
Spori o nepremičninah s čezmejnim elementom
ID Cizej, Ajda (Author), ID Kramberger Škerl, Jerca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na področju sporov o nepremičninah in sporov v zvezi z nepremičninami s čezmejnim elementom se srečujemo s sočasnim obstojem mednarodnih (evropskih) in nacionalnih pravil o pristojnosti za njihovo obravnavanje, merodajnem pravu za njihovo reševanje, in o priznavanju ter izvrševanju odločb, s katerimi je odločeno v predmetnih sporih. Namen magistrskega diplomskega dela je predstaviti relevantno evropsko in slovensko pozitivnopravno ureditev, njune specifike, podobnosti in razlike, ter se opredeliti do razmerja med posameznimi akti. Spori o nepremičninah se razlikujejo od preostalih sporov z mednarodnim elementom zaradi posebnih, poudarjenih interesov posameznih držav na tem področju, saj se z odločitvami o razmerjih, povezanih z nepremičninami, neposredno posega v načelo teritorialne oblasti ter njihove gospodarske, ekonomske in politične interese. Državam je zato v interesu, da ohranijo nadzor nad dogajanjem znotraj svojih meja in da v kar največji meri ohranjajo pristojnost za odločanje v teh sporih v rokah svojih sodnih organov. Prav tako je v interesu držav, da se razmerja, povezana s stvarnimi pravicami na nepremičninah, presojajo v skladu z njihovo nacionalno materialno (stvarnopravno) zakonodajo, saj se na takšen način omogoča enotnost pravne ureditve in preprečuje vmešavanje elementov tujih zakonodaj v nacionalni pravni sistem. Kljub interesom držav na eni strani, ne smemo pozabiti, da se se primarno nahajamo na področju zasebnih, civilnopravnih razmerij, kjer je eno izmed vodilnih načel avtonomija volj strank. Evropski in nacionalni (slovenski) normodajalec sta tako soočena z izzivom, ki ga predstavlja usklajevanje medsebojno komplementarnih si interesov med državami na eni, in njihovimi subjekti na drugi strani.

Keywords:nepremičnine, stvarne pravice, najemna in zakupna razmerja, čezmejni element, kolizijska pravila, pristojnost, priznanje in izvršitev, pravo EU, ZMZPP
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147189 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158592771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Real property disputes with a cross-border element
In the context of real property disputes and disputes relating to real estate with a cross-border element, we are confronted with the coexistence of international (European) and national rules on jurisdiction, the applicable law for their settlement and the recognition and enforcement of judgments rendered in the disputes in question. The aim of the Master's thesis is to present the relevant European and Slovenian positive law regimes, their specificities, similarities and differences, and to define the relationship between the respective acts. Real property disputes differ from other disputes with a cross-border element because of the specific, accentuated interests of individual States in this area, as decisions on real property relations directly interfere with the principle of territorial sovereignty and State's economic and political interests. It is therefore in the interest of States to maintain control over affairs within their borders and to keep the jurisdiction over these disputes as far as possible in the hands of their authorities. It is also in the interest of States that relations regarding rights in rem in immovable property are judged in accordance with their national substantive (property) law, as this allows for uniformity of the legal regime and prevents the interference of elements of foreign laws in the national legal system. Despite the interests of States on the one hand, it should be remembered that we are primarily in the sphere of private, civil law relations, where one of the guiding principles is the autonomy of the wills of the parties. The European and national (Slovenian) legislator are thus faced with the challenge of reconciling the complementary interests of the States on the one hand, and their subjects on the other.

Keywords:immovable property, rights in rem, tenancy and lease relationships, cross-border element, conflict of laws rules, jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement, EU law, ZMZPP

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