
Podobe materinstva v filozofiji in literaturi
ID Špiletič, Ana Jana (Author), ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Smolej, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mrak, Anja (Comentor)

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Ženska zmožnost ustvarjanja novega življenja je bila vedno stvar javnega diskurza. Občutek lastne inferiornosti na tem področju je moški kompenziral z vsesplošnim nadzorom nad žensko, posebno nad njeno možnostjo materinstva. Cilj, ki sem si ga zadala v svojem diplomskem delu, je pokazati, da so ženske vedno čutile ta nadzor in iskale načine, kako nad njim izraziti svoje frustracije. Kot svoje orodje so si izbrale literaturo, saj ta dopušča več prostora za občutja, ki v vsakdanjem življenju niso dobrodošla. Izbrala sem peščico del, ki vsa prikazujejo materinstvo, posledično pa tudi žensko v drugačni podobi. Evripid, Gustave Flaubert, Toni Morrison, Kate Chopin in Sheila Heti se vsak kot otrok svojega časa drugače soočajo s problematiko materinstva. Pregled literarnih del, katerim večina danes že pripada mesto v zahodnem kanonu, bo spremljala filozofska analiza avtoric, katerih misli so zibelka modernega feminizma – Simone de Beauvoir, Miriam Hirsch, Adrienne Rich. Brez njih ženske danes niti ne bi bile opremljene za razmišljanje o svojem položaju v družbi. Tudi danes, v 21. stoletju, je koncept »svobodne izbire« lažen, saj je javno življenje ženske povsem odvisno od njene odločitve, ali bo rodila otroka ali ne. Vendar pa nam zahvaljujoč našim prednicam pripada vsaj teoretski kapital, preko katerega se lahko spopademo s tovrstno hipokrizijo.

Keywords:Literatura in feminizem, filozofija, feministična literarna veda, ženska, materinstvo, drugost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147099 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:158193411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The images of motherhood in philosophy and literature
The capacity of the female body to create a new life has always been the property of the public domain. Man's own feelings of inferiority in that area have manifested itself in his absolute control over the woman, especially over her capacity of motherhood. The goal I set for myself in my thesis is to show that women have always felt this control and were always searching for a way to let out their frustrations over it. They chose literature as their main tool, as it allows more space for feelings not welcomed in the everyday life. I choose a few works of which all of them present motherhood, and a woman, in a different light. Euripides, Gustave Flaubert, Toni Morrison, Kate Chopin and Sheila Heti, each a child of their own time, face the problem of motherhod in a different way. The review of these works, most of which already have a place in the western canon, will be accompanied by the philosophical analysis by the authors, whose thought gave birth to the modern feminism – Simone de Beauvoir, Miriam Hirsch, Adrienne Rich. Without them women today would not be equipped to think about their place in society. Even in the 21st century, the concept of »free choice« remains a lie, as the public life of a woman is completely dependable on whether or not she gives birth. But thanks to those who came before us, we possess the theoretic capital through which we can face such a hypocrisy.

Keywords:Literature and feminism, philosophy, feminist literary theory, woman, motherhood, the other

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