
Pojavnost kratkoročnih neželenih učinkov mRNA-cepiv proti COVID-19 med delavci, zaposlenimi v zdravstveni dejavnosti v Sloveniji
ID Morić, Ariana (Author), ID Ostanek, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Decembra 2019 se je v mestu Wuhan na Kitajskem pojavila nova koronavirusna bolezen 2019 (COVID-19), ki jo povzroča virus SARS-CoV-2. Po treh mesecih je bila razglašena pandemija te bolezni, ki je do februarja 2023 prizadela že več kot 650 milijonov ljudi po celem svetu, zahtevala pa več kot 6,5 milijona življenj. Virus najpogosteje povzroča blažjo obliko bolezni, nekateri okuženi pa potrebujejo tudi intenzivno oskrbo, kar predstavlja veliko obremenitev zdravstvenih sistemov. Cepiva so predstavljala edino rešitev za zaustavitev pandemije, saj ščitijo pred boleznijo in posledicami bolezni ter prispevajo k vzpostavitvi kolektivne imunosti. Na žalost pa je njihov hiter razvoj, poleg pomanjkanja informacij, neželenih učinkov in nezaupanja v vlado, pri marsikomu vzbudil pomislek o njihovi varnosti. V magistrski nalogi smo analizirali podatke o kratkoročnih neželenih učinkih mRNA cepiva Comirnaty, ki so se pojavljali pri delavcih zaposlenih v zdravstveni dejavnosti v Sloveniji. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 431 posameznikov, podatki pa so bili pridobljeni iz vprašalnika, ki je bil del mednarodne raziskave CoVaST. Cilj te raziskave je ovrednotiti kratkoročne in dolgoročne neželene učinke ter učinkovitost cepiv proti COVID-19. S programom SPSS Statistics smo podatke obdelali z različnimi statističnimi testi in ovrednotili pojavnost neželenih učinkov. Ugotavljali smo razlike v pojavnosti med določenima starostnima skupinama in med spoloma ter povezave med drugimi morebitnimi dejavniki. Na podlagi tega smo ugotovili, da se je večini vprašancev pojavil vsaj en neželeni učinek, ter da so bili lokalni neželeni učinki pogostejši kot sistemski. Lokalni neželeni učinki so se pojavljali po obeh odmerkih cepiva, sistemski neželeni učinki pa so bili pogostejši po drugem odmerku. Največkrat so neželeni učinki trajali dva dneva. Večja starost je pomembno vplivala na manjšo pojavnost in intenzivnost neželenih učinkov. Ženske so imele večjo intenzivnost neželenih učinkov in večje tveganje za pojavnost posameznih neželenih učinkov. Poleg starosti in spola so bili indeks telesne mase, kajenje in predhodna okužba s COVID-19 tudi prepoznani kot morebitni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na večjo ali manjšo pojavnost nekaterih neželenih učinkov. Prizadevamo si, da bi naša spoznanja spodbudila k poglobljenemu raziskovanju neželenih učinkov ter da bi z ugotovitvami lahko pomagali odpraviti pomisleke, ki lahko prispevajo k zadržanosti do cepljenja.

Keywords:COVID-19, cepiva, mRNA, varnost, neželeni učinki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147086 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2023
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Title:Prevalence of short-term mRNA vaccine adverse effects among employees in Slovenian healthcare sector
In December 2019, a new coronavirus disease called COVID-19 emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. After three months, a pandemic was declared. By February 2023 this disease had already infected more than 650 million people worldwide and claimed over 6.5 million lives. In most cases the virus causes a mild form of the disease, but some infected individuals require intensive care, which places a significant burden on national healthcare systems. The only solution for ending the pandemic were vaccines, which protect against the disease and its consequences, and contribute to establishing herd immunity. Unfortunately, their rapid development, in addition to a lack of information, adverse events, and distrust in the government, has raised concerns about their safety for many people. In this master's thesis, we analysed data on short-term side effects of mRNA Comirnaty vaccines that occurred in healthcare workers in Slovenia. The study included 431 individuals, and the data was obtained from a questionnaire that was part of a larger international study called CoVaST. The aim of the study is to evaluate the short-term and long-term side effects as well as the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. We processed the data using various statistical tests with SPSS Statistics software and evaluated the incidence of side effects. We investigated differences in incidence between age groups and genders and looked for connections with other potential factors. Based on this, we found that the majority of respondents experienced at least one side effect and that local side effects were more common than systemic side effects. Local side effects occurred after both vaccine doses, while systemic adverse reactions were more frequent after the second dose. Most side effects lasted for two days. Older age had a significant effect on the lower incidence and intensity of side effects. Women had a higher intensity of side effects and a higher risk of individual side effects. In addition to age and gender, body mass index, smoking and previous infection with COVID-19 were also identified as potential factors influencing a higher or lower incidence of certain side effects. We aspire that our findings will promote further research into side effects and that our findings can help to address concerns that may contribute to vaccine hesitancy.

Keywords:COVID-19, vaccines, mRNA, safety, side effects

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