
Zaupanje generacije ipsilon v nevladne organizacije : diplomsko delo
ID Stojanović, Anja (Author), ID Brezovar, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Generacija ipsilon je generacija, ki ima trenutno zelo pomembno kupno in odločevalno moč tudi, ko govorimo o sodelovanju pri dejavnostih nevladnih organizacij. Slednje lahko opredelimo kot organizacije, ki so prostovoljne in neodvisne, ne izvršujejo ukazov s strani javne oblasti in so izjemno pomemben del družbe, saj omogočajo možnost združevanja, svobodo izražanja ter prenos znanja in mnenj v naši družbi. Nevladne organizacije lahko najdemo na več ravneh, bodisi gre za lokalne ali regionalne nevladne organizacije ali za organizacije na državni in mednarodni ravni. V Sloveniji najdemo trenutno več kot 27 tisoč nevladnih organizacij, kar je precej glede na skupno število prebivalcev. Zaradi velikega števila nevladnih organizacij, odkritih nepravilnostih v delovanju in spornem komuniciranju določenih nevladnih organizacij se v zadnjih letih pojavlja stopnja nezaupanja dela javnosti. Izjemno hitro razvijajoča se informacijska tehnologija in predvsem informacijska pismenost ter izobrazba generacije ipsilon so povzročile, da je vedno težje prikriti poteze nevladnih organizacij, ki niso ravno v skladu z njihovim poslanstvom ali so celo v nasprotju z zakonodajo, zato je še toliko pomembnejše transparentno delovanje omenjenih organizacij in trud za višanje stopnje zaupanja javnosti v njihovo delovanje. Namen diplomskega dela je bil opredeliti vsebino dela in pomen nevladnih organizacij v Republiki Sloveniji, vrste le-teh, predstaviti njihovo financiranje in značilnosti, opredeliti glavne dejavnike zaupanja in nezaupanja. V nadaljevanju pa smo s pomočjo rezultatov, ki smo jih pridobili v okviru kvantitativne spletne raziskave, opredelili, v kolikšni meri je med generacijo ipsilon prisotno zaupanje v nevladne organizacije, oziroma s kratico NVO, potrdili ali ovrgli postavljene hipoteze ter podali bistvene ugotovitve za zvišanje zaupanja generacije ipsilon v NVO. Po mnenju naših anketirancev morajo NVO za uspešno višanje stopnje zaupanja v svoje delovanje poskrbeti predvsem za transparentnost, vestno poročanje o financah in porabljanju sredstev ter za vključevanje javnosti v svoje delovanje.

Keywords:nevladne organizacije, generacija ipsilon, transparentnost, zaupanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Stojanović]
Number of pages:IX, 32 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-147019 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156315651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Generation ypsilon's trust in non-governmental organisations
Generation ypsilon is a generation that currently has a very important purchasing and decision-making power, even when we talk about participation in the activities of nongovernmental organizations. The latter can be defined as organizations that are voluntary and independent, do not execute orders from public authorities and are an extremely important part of society, as they enable the possibility of association, freedom of expression and the transfer of knowledge and opinions in our society. NGOs can be found at many levels, whether they are local or regional NGOs or organizations at the national and international level. There are currently more than 27,000 non-governmental organizations in Slovenia, which is quite a lot compared to the total number of inhabitants. Due to the large number of non-governmental organizations, discovered irregularities in the operation of certain organizations and the controversial communication of certain non-governmental organizations, a degree of distrust of the public has been emerging in recent years. The extremely fast developing information technology and especially the information literacy and education of the epsilon generation have made it increasingly difficult to conceal the actions of non-governmental organizations that are not exactly in line with their mission or are even in conflict with the law, which is why the transparent operation of the aforementioned is all the more important for organizations and the effort to increase the level of public trust in their operation. The purpose of the thesis is to define the content of the work and the importance of non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Slovenia, their types, to present their financing and characteristics, to define the main factors of trust and distrust. In the following, based on the results obtained as part of a quantitative online survey, we defined the extent to which there is trust in NGOs among the ipsilon generation, confirmed or refuted the hypotheses, and provided essential findings for increasing the ipsilon generation's trust in NGOs. According to our respondents, in order to successfully increase the level of trust in their operations, NGOs must take care above all of transparency, conscientious reporting on finances and the use of funds, and the involvement of the public in their operations.

Keywords:non-governmental organizations, ypsilon generation, transparency, trust

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