
Produkcija plesnega videa
ID Turinek, Maja (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Učakar, Andrej (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo obsega načrtovanje in izdelavo ter analizo plesnega videa. V teoretičnem delu smo analizirali pregled že obstoječih plesnih videov in kje so najpogosteje uporabljeni; predstavljen je potek sestavljanja koreografije ter bistveni dejavniki, ki na to vplivajo. V nadaljevanju sta predstavljena tudi potek in načrtovanje snemanja plesnega videa. V eksperimentalnem delu smo s fotoaparatom Canon R6 in objektivom Sigma f1.8 (18-35 mm) posneli video. Pomagali smo si tudi s štirimi lučmi Godox SL60 ter s stabilizatorjem Ronin-S. Postprodukcijo smo izvedli v programih Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop in Adobe After Effects. Najprej smo se lotili predprodukcije, kjer smo najprej zasnovali idejo, nato pa smo v skladu z njo izbrali glasbo in prostor. Sledilo je sestavljanje koreografije ter načrtovanje premikov kamere. Produkcija, ki vključuje izdelavo produkcijskega plana, določitev snemalne ekipe in nastopajočih, pripravo prostora, nastavitve kamere in snemanje je bila izvedena v nadaljevanju. Ko so bili posneti vsi kadri, so v postprodukciji sledili še njihova montaža in barvne korekcije. Plesni video je bil izveden v skladu z našimi pričakovanji. Za nastanek plesnega videa je potrebnih veliko tehničnih predpriprav in tehnične opreme, saj je potrebno vse natančno preučiti in zato se za predprodukcijo porabi največ časa. Če smo na snemanje dobro pripravljeni in je zato ves posneti material kvaliteten, v postprodukciji ni potrebnih veliko popravkov; v nasprotnem primeru je potrebno več časa kot za produkcijo videa. Tehnična izvedba plesalcev je zaradi možnosti ponavljanja kadrov boljša v plesnem videu kot na nastopu v živo.

Keywords:plesni video, koreografija, videoprodukcija, snemanje, predprodukcija, videomontaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146976 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2023
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Title:Production of a dance video
In the diploma thesis, a dance video and analysis are presented. In the theoretical part, an overview of already existing dance videos and where they are most often used, as well as the process of composing the choreography and the essential factors that influence it, are presented. In the experimental part, we recorded a video with a Canon R6 camera and a Sigma f1.8 (18-35 mm) lens. We also helped ourselves with four Godox SL60 lights and a Ronin-S stabilizer. Post-production was done in Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe After Effects. First, we started pre-production where the idea was conceived. Then, the music and space were chosen according to it. After that, we set about putting together the choreography and made a plan for the camera movements. Then the production that includes creating a production plan, determining the recording crew and performers, preparing the room, setting the camera, and the recording followed. Once we had recorded all the shots, their editing and color corrections followed in post-production. The dance video was successfully produced because it was created in accordance with our expectations. The creation of a dance video requires a lot of technical preparations and technical equipment because everything needs to be carefully studied. Therefore, pre-production takes the most time. If we are prepared for the recording and, therefore, all the recorded material is of high quality, we do not need to make many corrections in post-production, which saves time. Otherwise, it takes more time than the production. The technical performance of the dancers is better in a dance video than in a live performance due to the possibility of repeating shots.

Keywords:dance video, choreography, video production, recording, pre-production, video editing

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