
Pisave namiznih družabnih iger
ID Banko, Špela (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati pisave na različnih embalažah družabne igre domino, pisave analizirati in na podlagi raziskanega ustvariti pisavo, ki jo navdihuje igra ter ustvarjeno pisavo uporabiti pri oblikovanju embalaže. Raziskavo smo začeli s teoretičnim delom, v katerem smo najprej definirali tipografijo kot vedo in se poglobili v njen pomen. Nadaljevali smo s pregledom delov črk in različic pisav. Zaobjeli smo glavne skupine pisav, ki jih poznamo, ter izpostavili problem pri klasifikaciji pisav, s katerim se soočamo v današnjem času. Dotaknili smo se postopka oblikovanja pisave in predstavili definicijo in zgodovino družabnih iger. Teoretični del smo zaključili s pregledom igre domino, njene zgodovine, izvora in načina igre. Eksperimentalni del smo s pomočjo teoretičnih temeljev začeli z analizo nabora pisav. Različne pisave igre domino smo razvrstili v slogovne skupine, jih opisali in na koncu primerjali. Analiza nam je dala vpogled v že obstoječe pisave in nam pokazala oblikovne značilnosti črk, ki so bile uporabljene pri embalažah igre domino. Naslednji korak je bilo načrtovanje in skiciranje pisave. Oblikovali smo jo v programu Glyphs ter jo optično in metrično uredili. S tem je bil dosežen eden izmed zadanih ciljev. Z izdelano pisavo smo na originalen način predstavili uporabo najosnovnejših oblik v kompleksnejših namenih in na nov način povezali črke in družabno igro. V zadnjem koraku smo oblikovali dve embalaži za družabno igro domino in pri ustvarjanju uporabili izdelano pisavo. S tem smo dosegli drugi zadani cilj in z izdelavo pisave ter embalaž doprinesli k nadaljnjemu likovnemu in oblikovnemu razvoju ter modernizaciji podobe namiznih družabnih iger.

Keywords:domine, grafično oblikovanje, pisava, tipografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146974 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2023
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Title:Board game typefaces
The aim of the diploma thesis was to research fonts used on different packaging of the board game Dominoes, to analyse them, to create a font inspired by the game and to use created font in the design of packaging. We started our research with a theoretical part, first defining typography and then delving into its meaning. Next, we studied the components of the letters and typeface variations. We have defined the main groups of type and highlighted the problem of type classification today. We discussed the proces of the font design and gave a summary of the definition and history of board games. An overview of Dominoes, their history, origin and style of play concludes the presentation's theorethical part. The experimental part started with analysis of the fonts, using the theoritical knowledge we gained. We classified different fonts into groups, described them and compared them. The study gave us an insight into the existing fonts and showed us the design characheristics of the letters used for Dominoes packaging. The next step was to sketch and design the font. It was edited in Glyphs. With this we achieved one of the goals of diploma thesis. The font we created was an original way to illustrate the use of the most basic shapes for more complex purposes and to connect letters and board games in a new way. The last step was to design two packaging for the game Dominoes, using the font we created. This was the second and last goal that we accomplished. Through the creation of font and packaging we contributed to the further artistic and design development and also modernisation of the board game image.

Keywords:dominoes, graphic design, typeface, typography

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