
Vključevanje albanskih priseljencev tretjega vala v slovensko družbo: primer Mestne občine Velenje : primer Mestne občine Velenje
ID Gashi, Valdona (Author), ID Jelušič, Ljubica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mednarodno priseljevanje v mestno občino Velenje se je odvijalo v dveh valih. Danes smo priča novemu valu, kjer večino imigrantov z Balkana predstavljajo albanski priseljenci. V prvih dveh valih so priseljenci, kjer veliko večino imigrantov v Velenju predstavljajo delavci v gradbeništvu, tukaj živeli sami, brez družine, in tako je prihajalo do nujne asimilacije le pri posameznikih. Danes, v novem valu, je praksa drugačna, saj se večini priseljencev takoj ali po nekem obdobju v imigrantski družbi pridruži partnerka ali cela družina. Tako prihaja do kompleksnejših izzivov pri komunikaciji, procesu integracije ter do drugih težav s prilagajanjem na novo okolje na različnih področjih življenja, tako priseljencev kot imigrantske družbe. Opravili smo celostni pregled izzivov pri vključevanju migrantov na vzgojno-izobraževalnem, zdravstvenem, sistemskem in varnostnem področju. Za celovit oris problematike smo opravili intervjuje z nosilci javnih funkcij vseh področij ter z družinami albanskih priseljencev. Posebno pozornost smo namenili albansko govorečim otrokom in predvsem ženskam v velenjskem okolju, ki so se zaradi spleta okoliščin znašle v inferiornem položaju. Ugotovili smo, da je neznanje jezika poglaviten vzrok za večino izzivov na različnih področjih, s katerimi se spopadajo albansko govoreči priseljenci in lokalno prebivalstvo. Bolj kot vpliv množičnega priseljevanja na število kaznivih dejanj, je zaskrbljujoča praksa združevanja in neprilagodljivost najstniških skupin. Raziskava kaže, da se priseljenci v velenjsko družbo niso uspešno integrirali, s čimer imajo ženske in starejši otroci največ težav. Analizirali smo predloge intervjuvancev in skušali opisati možne rešitve za bolj uspešen integracijski proces albanske skupnosti v Velenju.

Keywords:priseljevanje, albansko govoreči priseljenci, integracija, vključevanje, Mestna občina Velenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Gashi]
Number of pages:143 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146942 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156761347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of Third-Wave Albanian Immigrants Into Slovenian Society: The Case of the Municipality of Velenje : magistrsko delo
International immigration to the city municipality of Velenje has occurred in two waves. Today, we are witnessing a new wave where the majority of immigrants from the Balkans are Albanian settlers. In the first two waves, immigrants, predominantly construction workers, lived alone and without their families in Velenje, which led to a necessary assimilation process only for individuals. Today, in the new wave, the practice is different, as most immigrants immediately or after a period of time join their partners or entire families in the immigrant society. This leads to more complex challenges in communication, the integration process, and other problems with adapting to a new environment in various areas of life, both for immigrants and the immigrant society. We have conducted a comprehensive review of the challenges in integrating migrants in the educational, healthcare, systemic, and security fields. To provide a comprehensive overview of the issue, we have interviewed public officials from all areas and families of Albanian immigrants. We paid special attention to Albanian-speaking children and especially women in the Velenje environment, who found themselves in an inferior position due to a combination of circumstances. We found that language ignorance is the main cause of most challenges in various areas faced by Albanian-speaking immigrants and the local population. More than the influence of mass immigration on the number of crimes, the practice of association and inflexibility of teenage groups is worrying. The study shows that immigrants have not successfully integrated into Velenje society, with women and older children facing the most challenges. We analyzed the interviewees' suggestions and tried to describe possible solutions for a more successful integration process of the Albanian community in Velenje.

Keywords:immigration, Albanian-speaking immigrants, integration, inclusion, City Municipality of Velenje

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