Invasive alien plant species are becoming an increasing problem problem all around the world.
Unfortunately, the awareness does not raise quickly enough. Due to intense globalisation, organisms
can reach faraway places compared to the area where they would settle in naturally. Foreign
organisms meet uncompetitive autochthonous species and absence of predators in their habitats. This
is why some new populated species have precedence in reproduction and expansion. They can also
have impact on economy, human health and wellbeing. Destroyed balance leads to an inevitable
In nature, relationships among all species are tightly intertwined, therefore the consequences are
unpredictable. It is very important to think through every possible intervention and make responsible
decisions in order not to endanger natural balance. Awareness, education and precaution are the key
for conservation of the environment. We need to live in close contact with nature to be responsible in
our care for the environment. The most effective way to do so, is raising children accordingly. Adults
are often a bad example of living live in harmony with nature. With this dissertation, we aim to expose
the lack of general knowledge about invasive alien species and the lack of forementioned content in
primary school syllabuses. Our goal was to prepare study materials for children, that would encourage
them on observation, recognition, and intervention against invasive alien plants.