
Stohastični individualni razvoj škod : magistrsko delo
ID Kovač, Enej (Author), ID Todorovski, Ljupčo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Harej, Bor (Comentor), ID Perman, Mihael (Comentor)

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Škodne rezervacije predstavljajo pomemben del obveznosti premoženjskih zavarovalnic, zato je njihov izračun ključnega pomena. V splošnem jih sestavljajo rezervacije za že prijavljene škode ter rezervacije za še ne prijavljene škode. Delo opisuje pragmatično metodo za izračun rezervacij za že prijavljene škode. Metoda s pomočjo informacij preteklih škod oblikuje stohastične napovedi razvojev individualnih škod. Pri tem, poleg končnih višin škod napove tudi pripadajoče razvoje likvidiranih in nastalih vrednosti. Za razliko od večine obstoječih metod pri tem uporablja informacije individualnih škod, in sicer tako informacije o likvidiranih kot tudi nastalih vrednostih. Predlagana metoda je ovrednotena na sintetičnih portfeljih. Izhodišče za primerjavo so dejanske vrednosti sintetičnih podatkov ter napovedi metode veriženja—ene najbolj znanih metod za izračun rezervacij. V primeru homogenih portfeljev so napovedi obeh omenjenih metod primerljive s pravimi vrednostmi sintetičnih podatkov. Ker pa predlagana metoda uporablja informacije individualnih škod, so njene napovedi precej boljše v primeru nehomogenih portfeljev.

Keywords:škodne rezervacije, individualne škode, individualni razvoj škod, stohastični razvoj škod
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146913 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:153612803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Stochastic individual claim development
Loss reserves represent an important component of non-life insurance companies' liabilities, making their accurate calculation essential. Generally, loss reserves consist of two components: reserves for already reported claims and reserves for claims that are yet to be reported. The work presents a pragmatic method for calculating reserves for reported claims that utilizes a case-based reasoning paradigm. The proposed method uses historical data to generate stochastic predictions of individual claims developments, including ultimate claim amounts and corresponding developments of both paid and incurred amounts. Unlike most existing methods, the proposed method leverages individual claim information and uses paid as well as incurred data. The proposed method is evaluated using synthetic portfolios. The actual values of synthetic data and the predictions of the chain ladder method—a widely used method for loss reserving—are used as benchmarks. Results indicate that for homogeneous portfolios, both methods' predictions are similar to the actual values of synthetic data. However, because the proposed method uses individual claims information, it shows improved performance over the chain method in the case of heterogeneous portfolios.

Keywords:loss reserves, individual claims, individual claim development, stochastic claim development

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