
Pomlad v plesu in vodeni vizualizaciji : diplomsko delo
ID Recek, Jasmina (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ples in igra sta med seboj prepletena – najizrazitejše naravne oblike iger najdemo v plesu, kjer otrok razvija svoj ritem in oblikuje svojo domišljijo. Ples otroka spodbudi h gibanju, razvija otroško mišljenje, obogati domišljijo in izraža otrokova čustva. Obenem ples omogoči otroku sodelovanje v skupini in graditev medsebojnih odnosov. V diplomskem delu Pomlad v plesu in vodeni vizualizaciji sem se osredotočila na vodeno vizualizacijo in ples, obenem sem želela odkriti, s katerimi težavami se sooča vzgojitelj pri vpeljevanju ostalih področij pri plesu in vizualizaciji, kakšni odzivi otrok se pojavljajo pri plesu in vodeni vizualizaciji, zanimal pa me je tudi vpliv vodene vizualizacije na medsebojne odnose v skupini. Zakaj ples in vizualizacija? Ker otroci obožujejo ples in ustvarjalno gibanje in ker sem mnenja, da je v vrtcih občutno pomanjkanje sproščanja oziroma sprostitvenih iger. Zato sem se odločila pri vsaki dejavnosti vključiti vodene vizualizacije, kjer so lahko otroci odkrili nov svet radovednosti, obenem pa sprostitev ugodno vpliva na vsa ostala področja otroškega razvoja in je dober element za nadaljnje delo. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala del Kurikuluma za vrtce ter povezavo plesa z ostalimi področji v Kurikulumu za vrtce, vlogo vzgojitelja, ples in ustvarjalno gibanje ter vizualizacijo. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela sem opisala vpliv plesne vzgoje, kako plesna vzgoja vpliva na dečke in deklice, njihove odnose in odzive, dodala pa sem tudi tehnike oziroma dejavnosti sprostitve. V empiričnem delu sem združila ples in vodeno vizualizacijo z ostalimi področji Kurikuluma za vrtce, uporabila sem metodo, kjer je vodena vizualizacija uvod v plesno in ustvarjalno izražanje, kjer so se otroci pred dejavnostjo lahko sprostili in jim je to omogočilo večjo ustvarjalnost, veselje in zadovoljstvo. Nad rezultati in odzivi otrok sem bila navdušena, saj so bili otroci zelo kreativni. Otroška radovednost je absolutno brezmejna in ob zaključku dejavnosti sem ugotovila, da je bila vodena vizualizacija zagotovo dobra odločitev in uvod v vse nadaljnje dejavnosti. Tudi ples in ustvarjalno gibanje sta pripomogla k dobri osredotočenosti otrok in njihovemu sodelovanju.

Keywords:Kurikulum za vrtce, ples, ustvarjalno gibanje, vizualizacija, otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Recek]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (54, [6] str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146905 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:156169475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Spring in Dance and Guided Visualization
Dance and play are intertwined - the most natural forms of play are found in dance, where the child develops his rhythm and shapes his imagination. Dance encourages children to move, develops children's thinking, enriches their imagination and expresses their emotions. At the same time, dance enables the child to participate in a group and build relationships. In my thesis Springtime in dance and guided visualisation I focused on guided visualisation and dance, I also wanted to find out what difficulties the educator faces when introducing other areas of dance and visualisation, what children's reactions are to dance and guided visualisation, and I was also interested in the impact of guided visualisation on the interactional relationships in the group. Why dance and visualisation? Because children love dancing and creative movement and because I myself believe that there is a distinct lack of relaxation or relaxation games in kindergartens. That's why I decided to include guided visualisations in every activity, where the children could discover a new world of curiosity, but at the same time the relaxation itself has a positive effect on all other areas of the children's development and is a good element for further work. In the theoretical part I described the Kindergarten Curriculum and the link between dance and other areas of the Curriculum, the role of the educator, dance and creative movement and visualisation. In the rest of the thesis I described the impact of dance education, how dance education affects boys and girls, their attitudes and reactions, and I added relaxation techniques and activities. In the empirical part I combined dance and guided visualisation with other areas of the Curriculum, I used a method where guided visualisation is an introduction to dance and creative expression, where the children were able to relax before the activity and this allowed them to be more creative, happy and satisfied. I myself was delighted with the results and the children's reactions as they were very creative. Children's curiosity is absolutely boundless and at the end of the activity I realised that the guided visualisation was definitely a good decision and a prelude to all the activities to come. The dancing and the creative movement itself also helped to keep the children well focused and involved.

Keywords:Curriculum, dance, creative movement, visualisation, child

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