
Oglaševanje izdelkov podjetja Maristella na družbenih omrežjih
ID Mlačić, Marina (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil ustvariti oglase na družbenih omrežjih Facebook in Instagram za podjetje Maristella, ki se ukvarja s spletno prodajo ročno izdelanih izdelkov, in te oglase po končanem oglaševanju analizirati ter ugotoviti, kateri so bili uspešni in kateri ne, in opredeliti vzroke za to. Diplomska naloga v teoretičnem delu opisuje oglaševanje na platformah Facebook in Instagram. Predstavi sestavo oglasov glede na ciljno občinstvo, namen kampanje, formate in besedilo oglasov ter njihove postavitve na platformah. V praktičnem delu opisuje potek sestave štirih parov oglasov, s katerimi smo testirali štiri hipoteze. Cilji so bili ustvariti material za oglaševanje izdelkov (fotografije in videi), pravilno zastaviti oglaševalske kampanje s pomočjo sinteze informacij teoretičnega dela in s pomočjo eksperimentalne metode A/B testiranja štirih parov oglasov ugotoviti, katere oblike in stili oglasov so prinesli najboljše rezultate. Rezultati diplome so ustvarjeni oglasi in potrjene ali ovržene hipoteze. Kot metriko uspešnosti oglasov smo določili klik na povezavo. Dve izmed štirih hipotez smo ovrgli, eno potrdili, za eno pa smo svetovali, da se ponovno testira. Ugotovili smo, - da je oglas z daljšim besedilom prinesel več klikov kot tisti s krajšim; - da je krajši video z le enim izdelkom bil uspešnejši od daljšega z več izdelki; - da je oglas s fotografijo izdelka na modelu prinesel nekaj več klikov kot fotografija samega izdelka; - da sta si po rezultatih bila podobna oglasa, kjer smo kot format testirali video in fotografijo. Pri slednjem hipoteze nismo potrdili niti ovrgli, vendar predlagamo ponovno testiranje; - priporočamo večkratno testiranje različnih kreativ in nastavitev oglasa z večjim proračunom in daljšim časom trajanja oglasov, da bi zagotovili najbolj realno analizo in naše hipoteze dokončno potrdili ali ovrgli.

Keywords:Facebook oglaševanje, Instagram oglaševanje, oglas, družbena omrežja, spletno oglaševanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146884 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Social network advertisements of Maristella company products
The purpose of the thesis was to create advertisements on the social networks Facebook and Instagram for the company Maristella, which sells handmade products online, to analyze the results of these advertisements after the advertising time has finished, to determine which were successful and which were not, and to define the reasons for this. The goals were to create content for the advertisements (photos and videos), correctly set up campaigns by synthesizing the information of the theoretical part, and determine which forms and styles of advertisements produced the best results using the experimental A/B testing method with four pairs of advertisements. The results of the diploma thesis are created advertisements and confirmed or refuted hypotheses. We set link clicks as the ad performance metric. Two of the four hypotheses were refuted, one was confirmed, and one was advised to be tested again. We found out - that the ad with a longer text generated more clicks than the one with a shorter one, - that the shorter video showcasing just one product performed better than the longer one featuring several products, - that an ad with a photo of the product on the model generated slightly more clicks than a photo of the product itself, and - that the results of the two ads where we tested video and photo as formats were similar. In this case, we neither confirmed nor refuted the hypothesis. Instead, we suggest retesting. - We also recommend testing different creatives and ad settings repeatedly with a larger budget and a longer duration of ads to ensure the most realistic analysis and confirm or disprove our hypotheses definitively.

Keywords:Facebook advertising, Instagram advertising, advertisement, social networks, online advertising

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