
Retencija in stabilizacija totalne proteze : diplomsko delo
ID Maljenović, Dajana (Author), ID Bohinc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rojko, Franc (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Čeprav je obraz le majhen del človeškega telesa, ima pomembno vlogo v družbeni identiteti in je eno glavnih sredstev za medosebno komunikacijo. Obstaja več vrst pacientov, ki svojo brezzobost doživljajo z občutki od neprijetnosti do hude prizadetosti. Mnogi občutijo brezzobost kot izgubo dela telesa. Ne glede na prihodnje potrebe prebivalstva biomehanskih in psiholoških posledic izgube zob ne smemo spregledati. Pri popolnoma brezzobem pacientu je obnova žvečilnega sistema bistvenega pomena. Popolno zadovoljstvo pacienta bo zagotovila le proteza z optimalno retencijo in stabilizacijo. Na retencijo totalne proteze vplivajo anatomski, fiziološki, fizikalni, mehanski in mišični dejavniki. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati izdelavo totalne proteze po klasični metodi. Pri izdelavi smo pozornost usmerili predvsem na mehanizme retencije, stabilizacijo in statiko totalne proteze, ki omogočajo boljšo kakovost življenja pacienta, boljše prehranjevanje in govorjenje, njihova ustreznost pa zmanjša možnost draženja in poškodb ustnih tkiv. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo vključuje pregled strokovne literature o totalni protezi in mehanizmih retencije totalne proteze. Znanstveno in strokovno literaturo smo iskali v domačem in tujem jeziku. Največ literature je pridobljene iz bibliografskih baz PubMed in Google Scholar. Informacije smo črpali tudi iz knjižnice Zdravstvene fakultete, Medicinske fakultete ter Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice. Uporabljeno literaturo smo omejili na članke, ki so bili izdani v zadnjih 10 letih, ter nekaj literature, ki je starejša. Rezultati: Za diplomsko delo smo izdelali totalno protezo po klasični metodi izdelave. Način izdelave zgornje in spodnje totalne proteze je podoben, vendar ni povsem enak. Pri izdelavi totalne proteze smo se skušali držati načel, ki so z deskriptivno metodo opisana v teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge. Postopek izdelave totalne proteze je sestavljen iz več faz. Razprava in zaključek: Retencijo in stabilizacijo je treba analizirati vsako posebej, saj nista sinonima, ampak le ozko povezani različni stvari. Danosti za dobro retencijo proteze so lahko odlične, vendar zaradi neustrezne postavitve zob, oblike in velikosti bazne plošče niso dobro izkoriščene. Retencijo in stabilizacijo totalne proteze lahko opredelimo kot uporabo vseh dejavnikov, ki prispevajo k odpravi vsega, kar teži k premiku proteze med žvečenjem ali relativnim mirovanjem. Ti dejavniki so adhezija, vakuum, kohezija oziroma viskoznost sline in jih je treba analizirati posamezno in v celoti. Dejstvo je, da so pri retenciji in stabilizaciji totalnih protez zelo pomembni vsi dejavniki, uspešnost pa je večinoma odvisna od kakovosti anatomskih in funkcionalnih odtisov.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, totalne proteze, retencija, stabilizacija, adhezija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Maljenović]
Number of pages:46 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146851 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:155753475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Retention and stability of complete denture : diploma work
Introduction: Although the face is only a small part of the human body, it plays an important role in social identity and is one of the main means of interpersonal communication. There are several types of patients who experience their toothlessness with feelings ranging from discomfort to severe disability. Many experience toothlessness as the loss of a body part. Whatever the future needs of the population, the biomechanical and psychological consequences of tooth loss should not be overlooked. In a completely edentulous patient, restoration of the masticatory system is essential. Only a denture with optimal retention and stabilisation will ensure complete patient satisfaction. The retention of a total denture is influenced by anatomical, physiological, physical, mechanical and muscular factors. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the fabrication of a total prosthesis using the classical method. The main focus of the fabrication is on the retention mechanisms, stabilisation and statics of the total denture, which allow for a better quality of life of the patient, better eating and speaking, and their adequacy reduces the possibility of irritation and damage to oral tissues. Methods: The thesis includes a review of the literature on total dentures and the mechanisms of total denture retention. The scientific and professional literature was searched in both local and foreign languages. Most of the literature was obtained from PubMed and Google Scholar bibliographic databases. Information was also obtained from the library of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine and the National and University Library. The literature used was limited to articles published in the last 10 years and some older literature. Results: The method of fabrication of the upper and lower total dentures is similar but not identical. We have tried to follow the principles described in the theoretical part of the thesis using the descriptive method. The process of fabricating a total denture consists of several stages. Discussion and conclusion: Retention and stabilisation must be analysed separately, as they are not synonymous, but only closely related. The conditions for good denture retention may be excellent, but they are not well exploited due to inadequate tooth positioning, shape and size of the base plate. Retention and stabilisation of a total denture can be defined as the use of all factors that contribute to the elimination of anything that tends to move the denture during mastication or relative rest. These factors are adhesion, vacuum, cohesion and salivary viscosity, respectively, and must be analysed individually and in their totality. The fact is that all factors are very important in the retention and stabilisation of total dentures, and success depends largely on the quality of the anatomical and functional impressions.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, complete dentures, retention, stability, adhesion

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