
Vloga vodilnega osebja pri vodenju tima v športnih organizacijah : diplomsko delo
ID Abina, Ema (Author), ID Buzeti, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vodilno osebje ima v športnih organizacijah pomembno vlogo, da lahko organizacija uspešno deluje v najožjem in najširšem smislu razumevanja uspešnosti. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni izsledki proučevanja vloge vodilnega osebja (trenerjev) pri vodenju športnih timov in vloga vodilnega osebja (direktorji, predsedniki) pri vodenju ljudi v upravnem delu športnih organizacij. Prikazane so dimenzije pomembnosti vloge vodilnega osebja v timu in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih ter igralk z vodilnim osebjem v rokometnih klubih v prvi slovenski rokometni ligi. Oblikovane so štiri hipoteze in dve raziskovalni vprašanji. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo dveh anketnih vprašalnikov. Analiza podatkov raziskave kaže, da sta bili dve hipotezi zavrnjeni in dve potrjeni. Rezultati prve raziskave so potrdili, da je vloga vodje kot trenerja zelo pomembna za delovanje športnega tima, saj se s tem strinja 83,9 % anketiranih igralk. Prav tako so vsi anketiranci (100 %) v drugi raziskavi potrdili, da je vloga vodje (športnega direktorja, predsednika) v upravnem delu tima pomembna ali zelo pomembna za njegovo delovanje. Na osnovi rezultatov raziskave, pripravljenih analiz in oblikovanih ukrepov lahko predstavlja diplomsko delo dobro podlago oziroma izhodišče za nadaljnja raziskovanja vloge vodilnega osebja v drugih športnih organizacijah. Rezultati in oblikovani predlogi ukrepov pa so lahko uporabni tudi za vse tiste rokometne klube, ki so bili vključeni v raziskavo diplomskega dela, in tudi tiste, ki niso bili vključeni, saj lahko pridobijo vpogled v stanje in morebitne izboljšave delovanja rokometnih klubov na področju vodenja timov, razumevanja vodenja, vloge športnih funkcionarjev in trenerjev ter vloge pomembnosti tima v športnih organizacijah.

Keywords:vodja, vodenje, tim, zaposleni, športne organizacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Abina]
Number of pages:XI, 71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146803 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:155650563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Role of managerial staff in team leadership in sports organisations
Managerial staff assumes an important role in sports organisations, as it ensures that they operate successfully in the narrowest and the broadest sense of the word. This paper presents findings gathered from studies addressing the role of managerial staff (head coaches) in leading sports teams and the role of managerial staff (CEOs, presidents) in leading employees in the administrative section of sports organisations. It portrays how important the role of managerial stuff is within a team and the degree of satisfaction of employees and handball players with managerial staff in handball clubs in the first Slovenian handball league. In the context of this paper, a research was conducted based on two surveys, and four hypotheses and two research questions were formulated. The analysis of the research data shows that two hypotheses were refuted and the other two were confirmed. The results of the first research confirmed that the role of a leader as a head coach is very important for the functioning of a sports team, as 83.9% of the surveyed handball players agreed with that statement. Equally, all respondents (100%) in the second research confirmed that the role of a leader (sports CEO, president) in the administrative section of the team is important or very important for its functioning. Based on the research results, analyses conducted and measures proposed, this paper may present a good basis or starting point for further research of the role of managerial staff in other sports organisations. The results and the measures proposed could be useful for all the handball clubs included in the research in the context of this paper as well as those who were not included, as they may acquire insight into the state and scope for potential improvement of the functioning of handball clubs in the field of team leadership, understanding of leadership, the role of sports officials and head coaches as well as the importance of a team in sports organisations.

Keywords:leader, leadership, team, employees, sports organisations

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