When looking at works of art, our mind begins to search for hidden meaning within the visual aesthetics and begins to interpret the work based on prior knowledge, ideas and experiences. The foremost branch of such art is surrealism, where works of art are based on unexpected images, associations and a dreamlike, imaginary world that does not display logical representations, but depends on each individual's interpretation of it. We can ultimately draw a lot of parallels with surrealism, which is manifested in many technologies nowadays. One of such technologies is virtual reality, which is also the main focus of the photomontages we created for the purpose of this research. The purpose was mainly to investigate the likeability and expressiveness of surrealist photomontages based on different personality traits, to determine whether the degree of expressiveness changes depending on the subject's knowledge of the photomontages' theme, and to explore the expressiveness of individual surrealist techniques used.
In the planning stage, the background of surrealist art and the techniques used to achieve surrealistic depictions were studied, concepts for the photomontages were prepared and, based on this preparation, the photomontages were created in Adobe Photoshop. In the research stage, we discussed the results related to personality traits and opinions about likeability and expressiveness of the presented photomontages. Through the analysis, a better insight was gained into what exposures and design decisions contribute to the likeability and expressiveness of photomontages within the topic of presenting the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality. These findings can also be helpful in creating photomontages on other topics.