The thesis addresses development of a supervisory system for HVAC systems on different locations. Demonstration is made for PLCs c.pCO produced by Carel. The PLCs control the convector and the air handling unit. Two similar SCADA systems available on the market are described. The main problem is the communication between the PLCs and the server, that hosts the supervisory system. The diploma thesis explores a few options for communication. The solution is made with microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which runs a program written in python programming language. The program communicates with PLCs using Modbus TCP protocol over LAN. It translates information gathered from PLCs to OPC UA standard. Then it sends the information over the Internet to the Atvise server. The supervisory system is accessed by internet browser. The HMI is made in Atvise builder. It is made to be simple and easy to use with the intention to quickly and clearly overview the state of connected devices. The supervisory system operates reliably over the internet. The solution enables easier control over remote HVAC devices.