
Ocena učinkovitosti privzema cinka v rastlinah prosa (Panicum miliaceum L.)
ID Müller, Eva (Author), ID Pongrac, Paula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Flajšman, Marko (Comentor)

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Cink (Zn) je en izmed esencialnih elementov v prehrani ljudi. Njegovo pomanjkanje lahko pripelje do vrste zdravstvenih težav, med katerimi so najpogostejše okrnjena rast in razvoj, sekundarna imunska pomankljivost, diabetes, hipertrigliceridemija in rakava obolenja. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija ocenjuje, da približno dve miljardi ljudi po vsem svetu na dan ne zaužijeta dovolj Zn. Eden najpreprostejših in temeljnih načinov za vnos esencialnih elementov v človeško prehrano je uživanje prehransko bogatih živil. Kot perspektivna možnost se kažejo različne vrste prosa, saj jih odlikujejo številne ugodne prehranske in agronomske lastnosti. Na območju Slovenije se navadno proso (Panicum miliaceum L.) goji in uživa že več kot tri tisoč let, prosena kaša pa je že dolgo ena pomembnejših kmečkih jedi. Cilj naloge je bil v kontroliranih pogojih vzgojiti šest slovenskih populacij in eno sorto prosa in proučiti privzem Zn v različne organe rastlin pri dveh razvojnih stadijih: v času cvetenja in ob zrelosti. Z uporabo metode rentgenske fluorescence smo ugotovili, da med populacijami obstajajo razlike v učinkovitosti privzema Zn; najučinkovitejši je bil pri sorti Sonček, najmanj učinkovit pa pri populaciji Odranci. Razlike v privzemu pred cvetenjem so bile manjše kot ob zrelosti, populacije z večjo koncentracijo Zn v poganjkih ob cvetenju pa so imele ob zrelosti tudi večjo koncentracijo Zn v zrnih. Z analizo lokalizacije Zn v zrnih sorte Sonček in populacije Odranci, ki smo jo izvedli z ionskim mikroskopom, smo ugotovili, da se največ Zn nahaja v skutelumu, nekoliko manj v embriju in alevronu, najmanj pa v luski in endospermu. Razlika v celokupni koncentraciji Zn med sorto Sonček in populacijo Odranci izhaja predvsem iz intenzivnejše akumulacije tega elementa v skutelumu pri sorti Sonček v primerjavi s koncentracijami Zn v skutelumu pri populaciji Odranci.

Keywords:proso, navadno proso, cink, učinkovitost privzema, zrna
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146492 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:154990595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of zinc-use efficiency in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)
Zinc (Zn) is one of the essential elements in human nutrition. Its deficiency can lead to a plethora of health problems, including stunted growth and poor development, secondary immune deficiency, diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia and different forms of cancer. World Health Organization estimates that on a daily basis, around 2 billion people do not consume enough Zn. One of the key and affordable ways to increase Zn intake is by introducing nutritionally rich crops into our diets. Different millets have been endorsed as perspective candidates, as they posess many favourable nutritional and agronomic traits. Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) has been cultivated and consumed on Slovenian territory for over 3000 years, with proso millet porridge representing one of the staple dishes for farmers. The aim of this study was to grow six Slovenian populations and one variety of proso millet in pots and evaluate their Zn-use efficiency at two developmental stages: at flowering and at maturity. Using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, we determined that there are differences in Zn-use efficiency between populations, with the most efficient being variety Sonček, and the least efficient being population Odranci. The differences in Zn concentrations in different tissues were smaller at flowering stage than at maturity. Furthermore, populations exhibiting higher concentrations of Zn in their leaves during flowering exhibited higher grain Zn concentrations. We used micro-particle-induced X-ray emission to determine tissue-specific Zn concentrations in grains of Sonček in Odranci, and identified scutellum to contain the highest Zn concentrations followed by Zn concentrations in embryo, aleurone, endosperm and husk. The difference in the overall concentration of grain Zn between Sonček and Odranci originates from a higher accumulation of Zn in the scutellum of variety Sonček than the scutellum of population Odranci.

Keywords:millet, proso millet, zinc, use-efficiency, grain

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