
Razvoj sistema za upravljanje s porabo električne energije
ID BREGAR, LOVRENC (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bregar, Jože (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo zajema upravljanje s porabo različnih bremen odjemalca električne energije glede na skupno porabo. Informacija o skupni porabi je lahko pridobljena na različne načine. Pri iskanju rešitve smo predpostavljali, da je informacija o skupni električni porabi že na voljo oz. se po potrebi dogradi ustrezen merilnik. Za možnosti upravljanja porabnikov smo iz nabora znanih porabnikov izpostavili tiste, pri katerih bi najprej lahko začeli izvajati upravljanje porabe glede na skupno porabo. Med izbranimi porabniki smo se osredotočili na enostavne porabnike, ki imajo lastnosti čistega ohmskega bremena. Na njih je možno enostavno krmiljenje z napetostnimi regulatorji. Tipičen primer je grelnik vode - bojler, ki smo ga med testiranjem nadomestili s klasično žarnico. Za mikrokrmilnik smo uporabili Raspberry PI z linux operacijskim sistemom. Poleg napajanja smo pripravili ustrezne signalne in komunikacijske povezave. Za krmiljenje porabnika smo izdelali napetostni regulator. Napetost na izhodu regulatorja je odvisna od signala PWM na vhodu. Izbrali smo merilnik proizvajalca Iammeter, ki omogoča standardno komunikacijo preko Modbus protokola in RS485 povezave. Vso omenjeno opremo smo zmontirali na panel. Zaradi narave testov smo uredili brezprekinitveno DC napajanje s pomožno baterijo. Poleg priprave strojne opreme je bila potrebna tudi izdelava programske opreme. Glavni del je regulacija upravljanja porabnika na osnovi meritev skupne porabe in vnaprej postavljene meje toka. Programska oprema je izdelana v Python programskemu jeziku in se izvaja na mikrokrmilniku. Za namen meritev posameznih tokov smo si pripravili neodvisno meritev z večkanalnim simultanim merilnikom in računalnikom s programom za prikaz vrednosti v obliki grafov. Prikaz vseh tokov v realnem času je nudil dobro predstavo o poteku regulacije. Rezultati testiranja so pokazali smotrno uporabo izbrane rešitve. Z upravljanjem porabnikov se lahko upravlja skupni odjem električne energije. To je recimo zelo aktualno, ko govorimo o sprotni porabi energije, proizvedene s sončno elektrarno. Isto rešitev lahko uporabimo v primeru rezanja energetskih konic, ki imajo za osnovo 15 minutne intervale. Z optimizacijo regulatorja lahko dosegamo tudi hitre odzive znotraj ene sekunde, ki pa pomenijo dodatne prednosti pri omejevanju toka blizu nazivne meje glavnih ali drugih varovalk. Omenjena rešitev je z uporabo prenosa informacije o skupnem toku preko prostranega (WAN) ali lokalnega (LAN) omrežja lahko aktualna pri dizajniranju elektro distribucije preko vključevanja v pametna omrežja (»Smart Grid«) oz. virtualne elektrarne (»Virtual power Plant«).

Keywords:aktivni porabnik, virtualna elektrarna, rezanje električnih konic, pametno omrežje, napetostni regulator, pulzno širinska modulacija, tokovni merilnik, mikrokrmilnik, inštalacijski odklopnik, Raspberry Pi, regulacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146344 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:153398531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a system for electricity demand management
The thesis covers the management of the consumption of various loads of the electricity consumer in relation to the total consumption. Information on total consumption can be captured in different ways. When searching for a solution, we assumed that the information on the total electricity consumption is already available or additional measuring device will be added. For controlling the consumers we are choosing from a set of known consumers in which we can control the consumption considering the total consumption. Among the selected consumers, we focused on simple consumers that have the characteristics of a pure ohmic load and controlled with voltage regulator. A typical example is a water heater, which we replaced with a classic light bulb during testing. We used a Raspberry Pi with a Linux operating system for the microcontroller. In addition to power supply, we prepared the necessary signal and communication connections. We designed a voltage regulator to control the load. The voltage at the output of the regulator depends on the PWM signal at the input. We selected a measuring device from the manufacturer Iammeter, which enables standard communication via the Modbus protocol and RS485 connection. We assembled all the equipment on the panel. Due to the nature of the tests, we set up an uninterrupted DC power supply with an auxiliary battery. In addition to preparing the hardware, software development was also necessary. The main part involves regulating the control of the load based on measurements of the total consumption and predetermined current limits. The software is developed in the Python programming language and runs on the microcontroller. For the purpose of measuring specific currents, we prepared an independent measurement using a multi-channel simultaneous measuring device and computer software to display values in graphs. The real-time monitor of all currents provided a good representation of the controlled regulation proces The testing results demonstrated the effective use of the selected solution. By controlling the loads we can control the total electricity consumption. This is particularly relevant when discussing real-time energy consumption produced by a solar power plant. We can use the same solution when cutting peak energy consumption that are based interval of 15- minute. By optimizing the controller, we can achieve quick responses within one second, which offers additional benefits in limiting the current near the nominal limit of the fuses. The mentioned solution, using the transfer of information of total current via a wide area (WAN) or local (LAN) network, can be relevant in the design of electricity distribution through integration into smart grids or virtual power plant.

Keywords:active consumer, virtual power plant, peak sheaving, smart grid, voltage regulator, pulse width modulation, current measurement device, microcontroller, circuit breaker, Raspberry Pi, regulation.

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