
Razvoj in vrednotenje stabilnosti šampona za lase s sirotko
ID Županc, Žana (Author), ID Gašperlin, Mirjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bjelošević Žiberna, Maja (Comentor)

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V sklopu diplomske naloge smo v prvem delu določali najbolj optimalno formulacijo šampona za lase s sirotko. Kot primarni površinsko aktivni snovi (PAS) smo uporabili natrijev lavrilsulfat (SLS) in za kožo manj dražeči natrijev lavretsulfat (SLES). V prvem koraku smo določali njuno najbolj optimalno koncentracijo. V drugem koraku smo dodajali zgoščevalo (natrijev klorid), nato ugotavljali najbolj optimalno razmerje med sekundarnima PAS, (kokamidopropilbetainom in kokamiddietanolaminom (kokamid DEA)). Naš cilj je bil dodati čim manj kokamid DEA zaradi omejevanja njene uporabe. Na koncu smo šamponom dodajali tekočo sirotko, katere smo želeli dodati čim več, saj ima ugodne učinke tako na kožo, kot tudi na samo formulacijo. Najbolj optimalne šampone s sirotko in brez nje (kontrolni vzorec) smo nato vrednotili s stabilnostnimi testi, in sicer smo jim določali viskoznost (rotacija, amplituda, frekvenca), pH ter organoleptične lastnosti. Šampone smo shranjevali pri sobni temperaturi in v komori s 40 ␃ v času 6 tednov. Vrednotili smo jih ob času 0, po 1 tednu, 2 tednih, 4 tednih in 6 tednih. Ugotovili smo, da so šamponi stabilni, kljub temu da vanje nismo dodali konzervansov. Viskoznost se skozi čas ni spremenila, prav tako organoleptične lastnosti. Pri pH je prišlo v času študije do minimalnega povečanja (0,5 enote), kar označujemo kot nebistveno spremembo in zaključimo, da so šamponi tudi s kemijskega vidika stabilni. Šamponi s sirotko so imeli značilen vonj po sirotki in rahlo rumenkasto obarvanje, kar bi lahko prekrili z dišavami in barvili.

Keywords:šampon, površinsko aktivna snov, proteini, sirotka, stabilnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145887 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development and stability evaluation of hair shampoo with whey
As part of the diploma thesis, we first determined the most optimal formulation of hair shampoo with whey. As primary surfactants (PAS), we tested sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) as a less irritating alternative. In the first step, we determined their most optimal concentration. In the second step, we added a thickener (sodium chloride), and studied the most optimal ratio between the secondary PAS (cocamidopropylbetaine and cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA)). Our goal was to add the minimal concentration of DEA, since its use is limited. In the end, we added liquid whey to the shampoos, where we wanted to add the highest concentration possible, as it has beneficial effects both on the skin and on the formulation itself. The most optimal shampoos with and without whey (as a control) were then evaluated with stability tests, in which viscosity (rotation, amplitude and frequency sweep), pH and organoleptic properties were determined. The shampoos were stored at room temperature and in a thermostatic chamber (40 ␃) for 6 weeks. We evaluated them at time 0, after 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks. We have found out that shampoos are stable, although no preservatives were added. The viscosity did not change over time, nor did the organoleptic characteristics. There was a slight increase in pH (0.5 units), which can be assessed as insignificant and we can conclude that shampoos are also chemically stable. Whey shampoos had a characteristic whey smell and a slight yellowish color, which could be covered with fragrances and dyes.

Keywords:shampoo, surfactant, proteins, whey, stability

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