The Encyclopaedia of Slovene Cultural History in Carinthia from the Early Beginnings until 1942 represents a fundamental interdisciplinary and intercultural research project largely based on research in the field as well as in public and private archives, and one that takes into consideration numerous authentic manuscripts or sources from the history of the public language. The sources that are described or/and published for the first time in various entries encompass known sources from ancient (medieval) times as well as numerous texts from autodidactic authors called "bukovniki" (bookmen) and from the history of music. Numerous original biographies are based on archive sources. There are also newly discovered manuscripts as well as examples of unique books, parish chronicles and unpublished minutes of cultural associations, public inscriptions in churches and on art works such as chronograms, inscriptions on grave stones and painted ways of the cross as well as linguistic sources relevant to legal history such as the bilingual (German, Slovene) market rules for Klagenfurt/Celovec from 1793, cadastral maps (from St. Thomas/Šenttomaž and the wider area) and the bilingual Carinthian and State law gazettes (from 1848 onwards).