
Spreminjanje ciljev srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja v luči razmerja med splošnimi in strokovnimi vsebinami od 1945 do 2023
ID Boršič, Ana (Author), ID Vidmar, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavam skoraj osemdesetletno obdobje spreminjanja ciljev srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja na Slovenskem, in sicer od 1945 do 2023. Pričnem z opisovanjem razvoja aktualnega šolskega sistema, in sicer od druge polovice 18. stoletja dalje, a podrobnejšo razpravo razvijam od leta 1945. Takrat se je namreč v luči nove politično-gospodarske ureditve pričelo razmišljati o prenovi obstoječih vzgojno-izobraževalnih programov v smeri spodbujanja gospodarskega napredka. Ob tem sem pozorna na okoliščine, ki so pomembno vplivale na zasnovo formalnega okvirja in na posledice teh posegov. Zanima me, kako so se na spremembe odzivali politični odločevalci in kakšni so bili pogledi pedagoške stroke. Osredotočim se na opozorila slednjih in spremljam, ali so bili strokovni predlogi upoštevani ali so ostali le na deklarativni ravni. V luči delitve na splošno-izobraževalne in strokovno-teoretične predmete od leta 1958 dalje primerjam deleže enih in drugih v predmetnikih srednjih strokovnih programov skozi desetletja. Na ta način skušam ugotoviti, katere vsebine so v določenem desetletju oziroma v določeni politični ureditvi zavzele večinski delež. Ob tem se posvetim tudi spreminjanju ciljev v učnih načrtih in katalogih znanj za slovenski jezik oz. slovenščino v omenjenih programih, saj me zanima doslednost njihovega spreminjanja glede na različne formalne usmeritve. Sprašujem se, kateri cilji in kakšne okoliščine so botrovale spremembam na omenjenem področju. Razmišljam o prihodnosti programov srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja. Ugotavljam namreč, da zasnova teh izobraževalnih programov izhaja iz časa gospodarsko-politične ureditve povojnega obdobja, torej iz petdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Dvomim, da lahko obstoječi sistem kakovostno funkcionira tudi v sodobni kapitalistični ureditvi.

Keywords:srednje strokovno izobraževanje, cilji, pedagogika, zgodovina, gospodarsko-politična ureditev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145759 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring the goals of Upper secondary techincal education from 1945 to 2023 considering the relationship between general and professional content
In master's thesis, I am writing about an almost eighty-year period of changing the goals of Upper secondary technical education in Slovenia from 1945 to 2023. I begin by describing the development of the current school system, namely from the second half of the 18th century onwards, but I develop the discussion in more detail from 1945. Thus, in the light of the new political-economic arrangement, the renewal of the existing educational programs in the direction of promoting economic progress began to be considered. At the same time, I pay attention to the circumstances that had such a significant impact on the design of the formal framework and on the consequences of these interventions. I am interested in how the political decision-makers reacted to the changes and what were the views of the pedagogical staff. I focus on the warnings of the following and accompanying, whether the expert suggestions were used or remained only at the declarative level. In the light of the division into general educational and professional-theoretical subjects from 1958 onwards, I compare the shares of one and the other in the subject books of secondary professional programs over the decades. In this way, we try to find out which contents have taken the majority share in a certain decade or in a certain political system. At the same time, we also devote myself to changing the goals in the curricula and knowledge catalogs for the Slovenian language or Slovenian in the mentioned programs, as I am interested in the consistency of their changes according to different formal orientations. I wonder what goals and what circumstances prompted the changes in the mentioned area. I am thinking about the future of vocational secondary education programs. I note that the design of these educational programs comes from the time of economic and political regulation of the post-war period, i.e. from the 1950s. I doubt that the existing system can work well even in a modern capitalist system.

Keywords:Upper secondary technical education, goals, pedagogy, history, economic and political regulation

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