
Presoja stabilnosti nasipa iz armirane zemljine : magistrsko delo
ID Köveš, Nika (Avtor), ID Jovičić, Vojkan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V današnjih časih redko najdemo primere gradnje podpornih, opornih konstrukcij, mostnih opornikov ali jezov brez uporabe geosintetikov. To so sintetični materiali za izboljšanje stabilnosti konstrukcije, ki skupaj z zemljino tvorijo ti. armirano zemljino. Cilj uporabe geosintetikov je povečanje stabilnosti zemljine in podaljšanje življenjske dobe konstrukcije. Geosintetiki so materiali z veliko natezno trdnostjo, ki prevzamejo natezne sile pri deformacijah in so mehansko odporni proti zunanjim vplivom. Poznamo različne izvedbe geosintetikov, ki se uporabljajo pri ločevanju plasti, filtriranju, tesnjenju, protierozijski zaščiti in armiranju tal. V primeru uporabe armiranih zemljin je funkcija armiranja podobna kot pri vgrajevanju armature v beton – ojačanje na podlagi večje sposobnosti materiala za prevzem nateznih napetosti. Ko je geosintetik vgrajen v zemljino, se s trenjem med materialoma napetosti iz zemljine prenesejo na armaturo. V primeru gradnje nasipov se za armiranje uporabljajo geomreže, ki v zemljini delujejo kot natezne vezi. Geomreže morajo biti fleksibilne za zaklinjanje zrn zemljine in hkrati imeti zadostno natezno trdnost in raztezek, da lahko ostanejo napete in prevzamejo natezne obremenitve. Geosintetiki se pojavljajo v obliki geotekstilov, geokompozitov, geosatovij, geomembran ipd. Ena glavnih problematik, ki se pojavlja pri uporabi geosintetikov je trajnost. Osnovni cilj trajnosti je podaljšati življenjsko dobo, v katerem bo geosintetik ohranil svoje primarne lastnosti ter opravljal svoje funkcije. Kot dodatek trdnosti zemljine je vloga geosintetikov v tem, da le-ti zvišajo koeficient stabilnosti brežine, v katero so vgrajeni. Koeficiente stabilnosti za podane brežine izračunamo s pomočjo računalniških orodij kot sta Slide in MacStars. Z njima ocenjujemo globalno stabilnost ali možnost porušitve krožno-cilindričnih in poligonalnih drsin z upoštevanjem Mohr-Coulombovega porušitvenega kriterija. Cilj je bil primerjati koeficiente stabilnosti obeh uporabljenih programov in analizirati njuno odstopanje ter določiti funkcionalnost programov. Primerjani rezultati so pokazali, da prihaja do odstopanj v vseh primerjanih modelih, pri katerih je do največjih razlik prišlo ob uporabi Janbujeve korigirane metode.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:geosintetiki, armirana brežina, koeficient stabilnosti, porušitveni kriterij
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[N. Köveš]
Leto izida:2023
Št. strani:XV, 63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145702 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:151880707 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.05.2023
Število ogledov:661
Število prenosov:107
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Stability analysis of reinforced soil embankment : master's thesis
Without the use of geosynthetics, nowadays we currently no longer find examples of the construction with supporting structures, bridge pillars or dams. Geosynthetics are synthetic materials used to improve the constructions stability. Together with the soil, they form so called reinforced soil. The purpose of such construction is to increase the stability of the soil and extend the life expectancy of the construction. Geosynthetics are materials with high tensile strength, which take over the tensile forces in case of deformations and are mechanically resistant to external influences. We know several implementations of geosynthetics used in layer separation, filtering, leaking, anti-erosional protection and reinforcement. In the case of the use of reinforcement, the function is similar to that of installing a fixture into the concrete, which is strengthening. When geosynthetic is embedded in the soil, the friction between the materials creates tension, which is transferred from the soil to the reinforcement. In the case of the construction of the embankments, geogrids are used for reinforcement, as these in the soil act like tensile bonds. Geogrids must be flexible for sprouting soil grains and at the same time having sufficient tensile strength and expansion to keep it toned and take on tensile loads. Geosynthetics occur in the form of geotextiles, geocomposites, geocombs, geomembranes, etc. One of the main problems that arises in the use of geosynthetics is sustainability. The basic purpose of sustainability is to determine the time during which the geosynthetic will retain its primary characteristics and perform its functions. As an addition to the strength of the soil, the role of geosynthetics is to increase the stability coefficient of the embankment in which they are embedded. The stability coefficients for the given slope are calculated using computer tools such as Slide and MacStars. They are used to assess the global stability or collapse potential of circular and non-curricular slides by considering the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The main purpose was to compare the stability coefficients of both programs used and analyse their deviation and determine the functionality of the programs. The compared results showed that there are deviations in all the compared models, with the largest differences occurring when using the Janbu's corrected method.

Ključne besede:geosynthetics, reinforced soil, factor of safety, failure criterion

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