
Analiza participativnega proračuna v izbrani slovenski občini : diplomsko delo
ID Samaržija, Veronika (Author), ID Petkovšek, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Participativni proračun je demokratičen mehanizem, preko katerega je omogočena aktivna participacija občanov. Zasnovan je bil z namenom odpravljanja revščine v brazilskem mestu Porto Alegre, zdaj pa velja za enega od najučinkovitejših oblik neposredne demokracije. V Republiki Sloveniji je bil prvič uveden v Mestni občini Maribor. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na participativni proračun in njegovo realizacijo v Mestni občini Koper. Temeljni cilj diplomskega je na podlagi analize participativnega proračuna Mestne občine Koper in s primerjavo participativnega proračuna v ostalih slovenskih občinah ugotoviti, ali je bila izvedba participativnega proračuna v Mestni občini Koper v letu 2020 uspešna. Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi pregleda literature predstaviti participativni proračun ter primerjati njegovo izvedbo v različnih slovenskih občinah. V prvem delu diplomskega dela so z deskriptivno metodo opredeljeni pojem participacije, participativni proračun, njegova zgodovina, uvedba v Republiki Sloveniji in pravna podlaga, dodana pa je tudi SWOT analiza participativnega proračuna. Teoretična izhodišča so uporabljena v empiričnem delu, kjer se na primeru analize participativnega proračuna Mestne občine Koper in s primerjavo participativnega proračuna v ostalih slovenskih občinah poskuša ugotoviti, ali je bila izvedba participativnega proračuna v Mestni občini Koper v letu 2020 uspešna in ali je bila participacija višja kot v ostalih slovenskih občinah. Diplomsko delo prispeva nova znanja o participativnem proračunu, primere dobre prakse in pozitivne dejavnike, ki pripomorejo k uspešni izvedbi participativnega proračuna. Uvedba participativnega proračuna je v Republiki Sloveniji še vedno novost, zato lahko ugotovitve služijo kot pomoč in prispevajo k lažji uvedbi in izvedbi participativnega proračuna v slovenskih občinah.

Keywords:participativni proračun, lokalna samouprava, participacija, javna sredstva, Mestna občina Koper.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Samaržija]
Number of pages:X, 51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145681 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:152658691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.05.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the participatory budgeting in the selected Slovenian municipality
Participative budgeting is a democratic mechanism, through which citizens can actively participate. It was designed to eliminate poverty in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Now it is one of the most effective forms of direct democracy. In the Republic of Slovenia, it was initially introduced in the Municipality of Maribor. The thesis focuses on participatory budgeting and its implementation in the Municipality of Koper. The core objective of the thesis is to determine whether the implementation of participatory budgeting in the Municipality of Koper in 2020 was successful, which is done by analysing it and comparing participatory budgeting in other Slovenian municipalities. The purpose of the thesis is to present participatory budgeting and compare its implementation in different Slovenian municipalities, both of which are based on a literature review. In the first part of the thesis, participatory budgeting, its history, introduction in the Republic of Slovenia and its legal basis are defined through the descriptive method, and a SWOT analysis is added too. Theoretical starting points are used in the empirical part of the paper where the example of the analysis of participatory budgeting in the Municipality of Koper is studied to establish whether the implementation of participatory budgeting was carried out successfully in the Municipality of Koper in 2002. This is also done by comparing participatory budgeting in other Slovenian municipalities. The thesis contributes new knowledge about participatory budgeting, examples of good practices and positive factors that contribute to the successful implementation of participatory budgeting. Participatory budgeting is a fairly new practice in the Republic of Slovenia, so the findings of this thesis can be used to facilitate the introduction and implementation of participatory budgeting in Slovenian municipalities.

Keywords:Participatory budgeting, local government, citizen participation, public funds, Municipality of Koper.

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