Modern technology has transformed our lives. It has significantly affected various aspects of living, including the equipment and programs we use at work. During the coronavirus epidemic, information and communication technology (ICT) played an important role. It enabled us to transfer a large part of our work from face-to-face to online activities. Adult education planners were no exception.
In my master’s thesis I am exploring how adult education programs are planned in a large Slovenian enterprise with the help of an andragogic cycle model and how this planning is supported by ICT. I am also interested in challenges related to the use of ICT in adult learning that company's experience during coronavirus epidemic. When we talk about ICT, we also need to address digital competences. Therefore, based on the findings and the existing digital competence frameworks of DigComp for citizens and DigCompEdu for educators, I tried to create a new framework of digital competences intended for adult learning planners. At the same time, I also checked which digital competences employees that are responsible for adult learning in the chosen company already have and which they should still acquire.