
Zmanjševanje avtoagresije in učenje prilagoditvenega vedenja po načelih pristopa ABA pri predšolskem otroku z motnjo avtističnega spektra in motnjo v duševnem razvoju : magistrsko delo
ID Kavčič, Klara (Author), ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pulec Lah, Suzana (Comentor)

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Prilagoditveno vedenje so spretnosti, skozi katere posameznik oblikuje sebe, hkrati pa se povezuje z okoljem ter razmejuje med njim in sabo. Skozi ta proces posameznik zadovoljuje svoje potrebe ter izpolnjuje pričakovanja in zahteve okolja. Gre za naučeno vedenje, ki ga mora posameznik obvladati in shraniti v spomin, da lahko to znanje prikliče, ko ga potrebuje. Predšolski otroci s posebnimi potrebami imajo težave z učenjem prilagoditvenih spretnosti, zato pri tem potrebujejo posebno pomoč in podporo. Prva leta so najpomembnejša za otrokovo učenje, še posebej za otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Z magistrsko raziskavo smo preverili, kako lahko s pomočjo pristopa ABA (angl. Applied Behavior Analysis oz. slov. uporabna vedenjska analiza) pomagamo predšolskemu otroku z motnjo avtističnega spektra (MAS) in motnjo v duševnem razvoju (MDR) pri učenju prilagoditvenih spretnosti ter zmanjšanju avtoagresivnega vedenja. Pristop ABA je učinkovit vedenjski pristop pri obravnavi otrok z MAS. Glavna cilja pristopa ABA sta preoblikovanje neželenega vedenja v socialno sprejemljivejše ter poučevanje in utrjevanje novih prilagoditvenih spretnosti. Raziskava je študija primera, v katero je vključen petletni deček, ki obiskuje razvojni oddelek vrtca. Zanj smo oblikovali program po pristopu ABA, ki je potekal 15 tednov. Tedensko število srečanj se je postopoma zmanjševalo od trikrat tedensko v prvih tednih do enkrat tedensko v zadnjih tednih. Za ocenjevanje prilagoditvenega vedenja smo uporabili ABAS-3 (The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-III – Sistem za ocenjevanje prilagoditvenega vedenja, 3. izdaja), sistem za ocenjevanje prilagoditvenega vedenja od dojenčkov do starostnikov. Z njegovo pomočjo smo načrtovali tudi cilje za otroka ter pridobljene informacije vključili v individualiziran program otroka. S sistemom ABAS smo ocenili prilagoditveno vedenje tudi po izvedenem programu in tako ovrednotili dosežene spremembe. Ugotovili smo, da je ABAS-3 lahko učinkovit pripomoček pri zastavljanju ciljev in oblikovanju individualiziranih programov za predšolske otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Deček je napredoval na področju prilagoditvenih spretnosti, poleg tega pa se je pri njem zmanjšala prisotnost avtoagresivnega vedenja po oceni staršev in tudi glede na opazovanje, ki je bilo izvedeno v vrtcu. Sami rezultati ocenjevanja s sistemom ABAS-3 sicer niso pokazali pomembnih sprememb v prilagoditvenih spretnostih, se je pa izkazala pozitivna sprememba po izvedenem programu, ki smo ga pripravili in izvedli z otrokom.

Keywords:ABA pristop, motnja avtističnega spektra, motnje v duševnem razvoju, predšolski otrok, prilagoditvene spretnosti, sistem ABAS-3
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Kavčič]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 93 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145617 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150898179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Reducing Autoaggression and Learning Adaptive Behaviour according to the ABA Approach Principles in a Preschool Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities
Adaptive behavior includes skills through which an individual shapes himself, while at the same time connecting with the environment and demarcating between it and himself. Through this process, the individual satisfies his needs and meets the expectations and requirements of the environment. It is a learned behavior that an individual must master and store in memory so that they can recall that knowledge when they need it. Preschool children with special needs have problems with adaptive skills, so they need special help and support. The first years are the most important for child's learning, especially for children with special needs. The Master's research examined how the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) approach can help a preschool child with autism spectrum disorder and mental retardation to learn adaptive skills and reduce autoaggressive behavior. The ABA approach is an effective behavioral approach in treating children with autism spectrum disorder. The main goals of the ABA approach are to transform unwanted behavior into more socially acceptable ones and to teach and consolidate new adaptive skills. The research is a case study involving a five-year-old boy attending a kindergarten development department. We designed a program for him following the ABA approach, which lasted 15 weeks. In the beginning, individual meetings were more frequent in the first few weeks - three times a week, then twice a week, and once a week for the last few weeks. We used ABAS-3 (The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-III), a system for assessing adaptive behavior from infants to the elderly, to assess adaptive behavior. With its help, we planned goals for the child and included the obtained information in the individualized program of the child. With the ABAS system, we also assessed the adaptive behavior according to the implemented program and assessed the achieved changes. We found that ABAS-3 can be an effective tool in setting goals and designing individualized programs for preschool children with special needs. The results of the evaluation with the ABAS-3 system did not show this, but there was a positive change according to the implemented program that we prepared. The boy improved in the area of adaptive skills, and in addition, the presence of autoaggressive behavior decreased.

Keywords:adaptation skills, Applied Behavior Analysis, autism spectrum disorder, mental development disorders, preschool child, The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-III - Edition 3

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