
Vpliv telesne aktivnosti na preprečevanje in lajšanje simptomov poporodne depresije : diplomsko delo
ID Kogovšek, Manca (Author), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Suzana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Poporodna depresija je ena izmed najbolj pogostih komplikacij postnatalnega obdobja. Pogosto ostane neodkrita in le majhen odstotek žensk se odloči za zdravljenje. Zaradi številnih dejavnikov, ki odvračajo obolele od vključevanja k standardnim oblikam zdravljenja, postajajo priljubljeni alternativni in komplementarni pristopi. Telesna aktivnost je ena izmed potencialno učinkovitih oblik preprečevanja in lajšanja simptomov poporodne depresije, vendar njen vpliv še ni dobro raziskan. Namen: Zanimanje za komplementarne oziroma alternativne pristope pri obravnavi poporodne depresije poudarja pomembnost, da le-te dobro raziščemo. Telesna aktivnost predstavlja potencialno nizkocenovno in lahko dostopno metodo preprečevanja in obvladovanja poporodne depresije, zato želimo z diplomskim delom opredeliti njeno učinkovitost. Ugotavljali bomo, ali je prenatalna telesna aktivnost učinkovita pri preprečevanju nastanka poporodne depresije ter kako telesna aktivnost vpliva obolele ženske. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom angleške znanstvene literature, ki je bila objavljena med leti od 2017 do 2022. Zbiranje literature je potekalo preko podatkovnih baz PubMed (Medline), ScienceDirect in Cinahl (EBSCO) ter preko Google Učenjaka. Skupno smo za odgovor na raziskovalni vprašanji uporabili 12 enot literature, ki se je po hierarhiji dokazov uvrščala vsaj na 3. nivo. Rezultati: Telesna aktivnost je učinkovita metoda preprečevanja in lajšanja simptomov poporodne depresije. Razprava in zaključek: Telesna aktivnost prinaša številne pozitivne koristi za fizično in psihično zdravje žensk v perinatalnem obdobju. Nima neželenih stranskih učinkov in je varna komplementarna metoda preprečevanja in obvladovanja poporodne depresije. Potrebnih je več kakovostnih študij, ki bi natančneje opredelile moč učinka telesne aktivnosti na simptome poporodne depresije in vlogo različnih modalitet pri njeni učinkovitosti.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, poporodne duševne motnje, duševno zdravje žensk, komplementarno zdravljenje, preventiva, gibanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kogovšek]
Number of pages:32, [4] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145610 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:150693635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of physical activity on the prevention and alleviation of symptoms of postpartum depression : diploma work
Introduction: Postpartum depression is one of the most common complications of the postpartum period. It is frequently overlooked and only a small percentage of women seek treatment. Alternative and complementary approaches are gaining popularity due to the many factors that repel impacted women from engaging in standard forms of treatment. Physical activity is one of the potentially effective methods of preventing and alleviating the symptoms of postpartum depression but its impact has not yet been adequately studied. Purpose: Interest in complementary or alternative ways of treating postpartum depression underscores the importance of studying them thoroughly. Physical activity could be a low-cost and easily accessible method of preventing and managing postpartum depression. Because of that, the aim of this diploma work is to define its effectiveness. We want to determine whether prenatal physical activity is effective in preventing postpartum depression and how physical activity affects sick women. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work with a review of the English scientific literature that was published between 2017 and 2022. The literature collection was performed through PubMed (Medline), ScienceDirect, and Cinahl (EBSCO) databases and by Google Scholar. In total, we used 12 units of literature to answer the research questions, which, according to the hierarchy of evidence, were classified at least as level 3. Results: Physical activity is an effective method for preventing and alleviating the symptoms of postpartum depression. Discussion and conclusion: Physical activity provides many benefits for women's physical and psychological health during their perinatal period. It has no adverse side effects and is a safe complementary approach to the prevention and management of postpartum depression. Higher quality studies are necessary to better define the strength of the effect of physical activity on postpartum depression symptoms and the role of different modalities in its effectiveness.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, postpartum mental disorders, women's mental health, complementary treatment, prevention, movement

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