
Beleženje podatkov in informacij na družbenih omrežjih
ID Krapež, Sara (Author), ID Urbas, Raša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uporaba družbenih omrežij je najpogostejša dejavnost na spletu. In njeni prevladi ni videti konca, saj se je uporaba zelo hitro razširila tudi na poslovna področja. Daleč vodilno družbeno omrežje je Facebook, ki ga uporabniki uporabljajo za ohranjanje stikov s prijatelji, za spremljanje določenih skupin in posameznikov ter za deljenje utrinkov iz svojih vsakdanov. Podjetja in določeni posamezniki družbena omrežja, kot sta Facebook in Instagram, uporabljajo tudi za promocijo svojih izdelkov ali storitev. Vendar se ob vedno večji uporabi spletnih omrežij porajajo vprašanja o njihovi varnosti. Vsaka dejavnost na spletu se pretvori v podatek, ki se zabeleži in obdela. S pomočjo analize splošnih pogojev uporabe, s katerimi vsak uporabnik soglaša ob registraciji na katero koli družbeno omrežje, je bilo raziskano, kako varni smo uporabniki na družbenih omrežjih in kaj se z našimi podatki dogaja. V njih je zapisanih kup pravil, ki določajo, s kom uporabnik deli svoje podatke, kam se shranjujejo ter zakaj in na kakšen način se ti podatki uporabljajo. V okviru eksperimentalnega dela diplomskega dela je bilo raziskano, katere podatke o uporabnikih in na kakšen način družbena omrežja zbirajo. To je prikazano s kratkim eksperimentom, pri čemer je bil na Facebooku ustvarjen oglas. V drugem delu eksperimentalnega dela je bilo s pomočjo opravljene raziskave med uporabniki, ugotovljeno, v kakšni meri so uporabniki seznanjeni s temi podatki, ali si preberejo splošne pogoje uporabe, in koliko jim zasebnost na spletu sploh pomeni. Z anketo je bilo ugotovljeno, ali in kako starostna skupina vpliva na obnašanje na družbenih omrežjih. Z analizo rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so uporabniki še kar dobro ozaveščeni o zbiranju podatkov na družbenih omrežjih in da starost niti ni tak kazalnik o razgledanosti uporabnikov glede družbenih omrežij.

Keywords:svetovni splet, družbena omrežja, varnost, zasebnost, podatki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2023
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Title:Acquiring data and information on social media
The use of social networks is the most common online activity. There is no end in sight to this dominance, as usage has quickly expanded into business areas as well. By far the leading social network is Facebook, which users use to keep in touch with friends, follow specific groups and people, and share insights into their daily lives. Companies and certain individuals also use social networks such as Facebook and Instagram to promote their products or services. With the increasing use of online networks, the question of their security also arises. Every online activity is converted into data that is recorded and processed. By analysing the general terms of use that every user agrees to when they sign up to a social network, we looked at how safe we are as users on social networks and what happens to our data. These terms contain a set of rules that determine who the user shares their data with, where it is stored, and what it is used for. The experimental section of the thesis investigated what data social networks collect about users and in what way. This is shown by means of a short experiment in which an advertisement was created on Facebook. In the second part of the experimental section, a survey among users was used to determine the extent to which users are familiar with this data, whether they have read the general terms of use, and how much online data protection means to them. The survey determined whether and how the age group influences behaviour on social networks. The analysis of the results showed that users are quite aware of data collection in social networks and that age is not really an indicator of social network users' awareness.

Keywords:World Wide Web, social networks, security, privacy, data

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