
Arhitekturni center : idejna zasnova sodobnega muzeja arhitekture in oblikovanja na območju gradu Fužine v Ljubljani
ID Magajna, Astrid (Author), ID Žnidaršič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje v Ljubljani zadnjih 30 let deluje v gradu Fužine. Razstavni prostor je razmeroma majhen, definiran z dimenzijami starih grajskih sob, ki ne dopuščajo pretirane fleksibilnosti, pot po glavni razstavi je enosmerna. S prostorsko problematiko se srečuje velika količina neurejenega arhivskega gradiva, ki nima urejenega arhivskega prostora in se trenutno nahaja v neprimernih prostorih neizdelanega podstrešja ter ostalih sobah neprenovljenega zahodnega trakta. Nekateri arhitekturno artikulirani prostori so zapolnjeni s škatlami in za javnost nedostopni. Neurejeni prostori zavirajo napredek inštitucije, zato se pojavlja vprašanje o smiselnosti ohranjanja Muzeja za arhitekturo in oblikovanje v Fužinskem gradu. “Muzej bi moral biti v centru mesta”, je pogosto slišana teza, o kateri se izprašujem v delu. Muzej je institucija in objekt, ki mesto tvori, zato ohranjam njegovo lokacijo v Fužinah. Urejanje muzejskega območja z nadgrajeno programsko vsebino, z izboljšanimi povezavami javnega prometa in z novimi javnimi površinami ob reki, razumevam kot enega od generatorjev urbane preobrazbe vzhodnega dela mesta do obvoznice. Cilj naloge je oblikovati prostorsko zasnovo, ki bo omogočala reartikulacijo muzeja v sodoben motor stroke, ki vključuje dejavnosti širšega pojma arhitekture in ne samo klasičnih muzejskih dejavnosti. Hkrati se z urejanjanjem širšega območja ustvari zametek kvalitetnih mestnih prostorov v povezavi z obstoječimi že artikuliranimi vrednotami v tem območju Ljubljane.

Keywords:arhitekturni muzej, Ljubljana, Fužinski grad, Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, MAO, prenova, arhitekturni center
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145295 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:149956355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2023
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Title:Architectural Centre: Conceptual framework for a contemporary museum of architecture and design at the Fužine Castle in Ljubljana
The Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana has been operating in Fužine Castle for the past 30 years. The exhibition space is relatively small, defined by the dimensions of the old castle rooms, which do not allow excessive flexibility, the path through the main exhibition is one-way. Spatial problems are faced by a large amount of unorganized archival material, which does not have an organized archival space and is currently located in unsuitable rooms of the unfinished attic and other rooms of the unrenovated western section. Some architecturally articulated spaces are filled with boxes and inaccessible to the public. Untidy premises hinder the progress of the institution, so the question arises about the sense of preserving the Museum of Architecture and Design in Fužina Castle. “The museum should be in the center of the city”, is an often heard thesis, which I question in my work. The museum is an institution and an object that forms the city, which is why I am keeping its location in Fužine. I understand the arrangement of the museum area with upgraded program content, with improved public transport connections and with new public areas along the river as one of the generators of the urban transformation of the eastern part of the city up to the ring road. The aim of the task is to create a spatial design that will enable the rearticulation of the museum into a modern motor of the profession, which includes activities of a broader concept of architecture and not only classic museum activities. At the same time, by arranging the wider area, I want to create the germ of quality urban spaces in connection with the existing already articulated values in this area of Ljubljana.

Keywords:museum of architecture, Ljubljana, Fužina Castle, Museum of Architecture and Design, MAO, renovation, architectural centre

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