
Glasba kot blago, glasba in blago: Zasnutek razširitve Adornove teorije standardizacije in študija primera
ID Rogelj, Lovrenc (Avtor), ID Pompe, Gregor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Krašovec, Primož (Komentor)

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Povezavo med glasbo in blagom lahko obravnavamo kot zunanjo (glasba in blago) ali notranjo (glasba kot blago). Naloga si zastavlja epistemološki problem, saj načine, na podlagi katerih se te vezi formirajo, izpeljuje iz same oblike tistega, čemur pravimo popularna glasba. Razprava se opre na pojma standardizacije in psevdoindividualizacije, ki ju je v svojih slovitih razpravah uvedel Theodor W. Adorno. Po krajši predstavitvi izvorov Adornovega pojmovnika se kritično posveti obema terminoma ter razmerju med njima. Nato ju uporabi za zasnovo razširjenega konceptualnega aparata, ki šele vzpostavlja obliko standardizirane glasbe kot medijsko in tehnološko posredovane kulturne forme. Z izvirnim pojmom »monopolna standardizacija« zastavi obravnavo glasbenih izdelkov kot celovitih, večpredstavnostnih tekstov, pri katerih pod drobnogled vzame tako posamezne skladbe kot tudi načine plasiranja njihovih avtorjev ali izvajalcev. Vlogo slednjih vzporeja s strukturnim mestom, ki ga pri blagih zaseda blagovna znamka. Iz teh razmislekov sledi še razdelava metodologije za preučevanje empiričnega gradiva. Sklepna študija primera se posveti skladatelju Alešu Vovku/Raayu ter še konkretneje izdelkom, ki izhajajo pod imenom pevca Luke Basija.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:popularna glasba, kulturna industrija, standardizacija, Aleš Vovk Raay, Luka Basi
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145279 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:15.04.2023
Število ogledov:965
Število prenosov:297
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Music as a Commodity, Music and Merchandise: Broadening Adorno's Theory of Standardization and a Case Study
The master's thesis focuses on exploring the connection between music and commodities by examining two aspects of this relationship: the internal structure of (popular) music as a commodity, and the external parallels between music production and the markets of merchandise. To achieve this, the dissertation begins by outlining the form of popular music, the subject of the study. Drawing on Theodor W. Adorno's concepts of standardization and pseudo-individualization, which he developed in his influential essays and lectures on popular music and the culture industry, the thesis briefly presents and critically assesses these ideas before re-evaluating the link between them. Next, the dissertation deduces concepts that contribute to a nuanced outline of a new conceptual framework, providing an epistemological foundation for understanding the general form of standardized music production, taking into account the role of technology and media forms in shaping this production. The thesis introduces the concept of "monopoly standardization," which emphasizes the need to consider standardized music both as pieces of music and as the construction of celebrity images and lore through media. Additionally, the study compares the role of music stars to the structural positioning of brands in the usual commodity. The methodology used in this study follows these considerations and applies them to analyse the output of the Slovenian composer and producer Aleš Vovk/Raay and the products released under the name of the singer Luka Basi, providing a case study to illustrate the practical implications of the conceptual framework.

Ključne besede:popular music, culture industry, standardization, pseudo-individualization, Theodor W. Adorno

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