
Vpliv Wim Hofove dihalne tehnike na premik anaerobnega praga pri zdravih preiskovancih : diplomsko delo
ID Grdadolnik, Nejc (Author), ID Potočnik, Nejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Wim Hof dihalna tehnika je v zadnjih letih prejela kar nekaj pozornosti športnikov, saj naj bi izboljšala telesno zmogljivost. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv Wim Hof dihalne tehnike na aerobno zmogljivost med obremenitvijo. Metode dela: v raziskavi je sodelovalo 14 zdravih preiskovancev (13 moških, ena ženska), starih od 21 do 54 let, ki niso bili kadilci in so se vsaj štirikrat tedensko ukvarjali s športom, niso redno prakticirali Wim Hof dihalne tehnike. Vsak preiskovanec je po naključno izbranem vrstnem redu opravil dve obremenitvi, eno z uporabo Wim Hof dihalne tehnike, drugo brez. Meritev je obsegala tri faze: 1) Pet minut mirovanja, ki mu je sledila izvedba Wim Hof dihalne tehnike, ali pa ne, 2) Faza stopnjevanega napora do maksimalne obremenitve, ko je preiskovanec prenehal z vadbo zaradi neugodnega počutja, ali pa je dosegel respiratorni količnik 1,13. 3) Faza okrevanja z vrtenjem pedalov pri kadenci 60/min pri 30 W, pet minut in za tem mirovanje na kolesu deset min. Ves čas smo preiskovancu merili frekvenco srčnega utripa, arterijski krvni tlak, ventilacijo, porabo kisika, količino izdihanega CO2, delni tlak CO2 v izdihanem zraku ob koncu izdiha (etCO2), kadenco vrtljajev in obremenitev v Watih. Po koncu meritve smo zabeležili subjektivni občutek napora po Borgovi lestvici. Podatke smo ustrezno statistično obdelali, razlike smo smatrali kot statistično pomembne pri p?0,05. Rezultati: Anaerobni prag se ob predhodni uporabi Wim Hof dihalne tehnike ni premaknil glede na kontrolno meritev, VO2max se med obema meritvama ni razlikoval, spremenila se je kinetika CO2 med obremenitvijo, saj so se statistično pomembno spremenile vrednosti respiratornega količnika, etCO2 in VeqCO2 pri anaerobnem pragu. Preiskovanci so napor ocenili za manj naporen pri meritvi z Wim Hof dihalno tehniko (15.21?1.58) v primerjavi s kontrolno meritvijo (16.29?1.20), p=0,015. Razprava in sklep: Uporaba Wim Hof dihalne tehnike ne pripomore k aerobni vzdržljivosti in ne zamakne anaerobnega praga. V prihodnje bi napravili raziskavo, pri kateri bi spremljali koncentracijo laktata v krvi.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, Wim Hof dihalna tehnika, hiperventilacija, apneja, laktatni prag, anaerobni prag, respiratorni količnik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Grdadolnik]
Number of pages:26 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145142 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:148316675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.04.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of Wim Hof breathing method on anaerobic threshold shift in healthy subjects : diploma work
Introduction: In recent years, the Wim Hof breathing technique has received a lot of attention from athletes as it is believed to improve physical performance. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was investigating the impact of Wim Hof breathing technique on aerobic performance during exercise. Methods: Study involved 14 healthy participants (13 males, one female), aged 21 to 54, who were non-smokers and engaged in sports at least four times a week but did not regularly practice the Wim Hof breathing technique. Each participant completed two exercise tests in random order, one with the use of the Wim Hof breathing technique and one without. The measurements consisted of three phases: 1) Five minutes of rest, followed by the execution of the Wim Hof breathing technique or without, 2) A progressively increasing load phase until maximum workload was achieved or until the participant stopped due to discomfort or reached a respiratory quotient of 1.13, 3) Recovery phase with pedaling at 60/min and 30 W for five minutes, followed by ten minutes of rest on the bike. Throughout, heart rate, blood pressure, ventilation, oxygen consumption, CO2 exhalation, partial CO2 pressure in exhaled air (etCO2), cadence, and wattage were measured. After the test, participants rated their perceived exertion using the Borg scale. The data were statistically analyzed, and differences were considered significant at p䁤0.05. Results: The anaerobic threshold did not change with the use of the Wim Hof breathing technique compared to the control test, and VO2max did not differ between the two tests. There was a significant difference in CO2 kinetics during exercise as the values of respiratory quotient, etCO2, and VeqCO2 changed significantly at the anaerobic threshold. Participants perceived the test as less strenuous with the use of the Wim Hof breathing technique (15.21±1.58) compared to the control test (16.29±1.20), p=0.015. Discussion and Conclusion: The use of the Wim Hof breathing technique did not contribute to aerobic endurance or shift the anaerobic threshold. Future research should investigate the effects of the technique on blood lactate concentration.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, Wim Hof breathing technique, hyperventilation, apnea, lactate threshold, anaerobic threshold, respiratory quotient

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