
Schwarz-Christofflova preslikava : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Skubin, Špela (Author), ID Kuzman, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Po Riemannovem upodobitvenem izreku obstaja biholomorfna ekvivalenca med poljubnima enostavno povezanima območjema, ki nista enaka celi kompleksni ravnini. V delu diplomskega seminarja si bomo izrek ogledali v posebnem primeru, v katerem bo mogoče tako bijektivno holomorfno preslikavo tudi eksplicitno izraziti. Schwarz-Christofflova preslikava je kompleksna funkcija, ki preslika zgornjo polovico ravnine v notranjost poljubnega večkotnika. V nalogi bomo poiskali in utemeljili njen predpis ter na koncu podali nekaj preprostih primerov biholomorfnih transformacij.

Keywords:Schwarz-Christofflova preslikava, biholomorfna funkcija, večkotnik, kompleksna analiza
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145064 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:148527363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.04.2023
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Title:Schwarz-Christoffel mapping
According to Riemann's mapping theorem, there exists a biholomorphic equivalence between any two simply connected domains that are not equal to the whole complex plane. In the work of the diploma seminar, we will examine the theorem in special case, where the bijective holomorphic mapping can be explicitly expressed. The Schwarz-Christoffel mapping is a complex function that maps the upper half plane to the interior of any polygon. In the assigment, we will find and justify its formula and at the end, give some simple examples of biholomorphic transformations.

Keywords:Schwarz-Christoffel mapping, biholomorphic function, polygon, complex analysis

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