
Hitrost zamreževanja in mehanske lastnosti epoksidne smole
ID Zupančič Valant, David (Author), ID Slemenik Perše, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kompozitna industrija se zaradi nizke stopnje avtomatizacije in nizke pretočnosti proizvodnje srečuje z visokimi proizvodnimi stroški. Z optimizacijo proizvodnih časov v mislih smo v tej magistrski nalogi proučevali vpliv procesne temperature na čas zamreževanja in na materialne lastnosti epoksidne smole. Cilj raziskave je bil pridobiti odgovora na vprašanji: »Kako hitro lahko na povišani temperaturi zamrežimo izbrane materiale?« in »Kako pospešeno zamreževanje vpliva na mehanske in druge materialne lastnosti končnih produktov?«. Kinetiko in potek zamreževanja smole smo spremljali s pomočjo diferenčne dinamične kalorimetrije in reološke analize. Celosten vpogled na vedenje zamrežene epoksidne smole pri različnih temperaturah zamreževanja so omogočili testi dinamične mehanske analize končnih, zamreženih vzorcev. Opazovali smo vrednosti elastičnega in viskoznega doprinosa k viskoelastičnem vedenju v strigu in upogibu. S poznavanjem vrednosti viskoelastičnih modulov smo lahko določili temperature steklastega prehoda posameznih vzorcev. Iz rezultatov smo ugotovili, da se z višanjem temperature zamreževanja temperature steklastih prehodov zvišujejo, vrednosti viskoelastičnih modulov pa znižujejo. S pomočjo reološke analize smo določili najkrajše čase, pri katerih so bili vzorčni materiali dovolj zamreženi, da smo jih lahko uspešno odstranili iz kalupa. Vrednosti visoelastičnih modulov predčasno razkalupljenih vzorcev so bile do 35 % nižje od vrednosti tistih vzorcev, ki so bili popolnoma zamreženi v kalupu.

Keywords:epoksidna smola, kinetika zamreževanja, termične lastnosti, viskoelastične lastnosti, reološka analiza, dinamična mehanska analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Zupančič Valant]
Number of pages:XX, 91 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-145035 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:147561219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2023
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Title:The rate of cross-linking and mechanical properties of epoxy resin
The composite industry faces high production costs due to the low level of automation and low production throughput. With the optimization of production times in mind, this master's thesis focused on the influence of the process temperature on the crosslinking time and various material properties of the epoxy resin. The aim of the research was to obtain the answers to the questions: "How quickly can the selected materials cross-link at an elevated temperature?" and "How does the accelerated cross-linking affect the mechanical and other material properties of the final product?". The kinetics and the process of crosslinking of the resin were monitored by using differential dynamic calorimetry and rheological analysis. Comprehensive insight into the behavior of crosslinked epoxy resin at different crosslinking temperatures was obtained by the tests of dynamic mechanical analysis of the final, crosslinked samples. The values of the elastic and viscous contribution to the viscoelastic behavior in shear and bending were observed. By knowing the value of the viscoelastic moduli, we were able to determine the glass transition temperatures of individual samples. The results showed that as the crosslinking temperature increases, the glass transition temperatures increase, while the values of the viscoelastic moduli decrease. With the help of rheological analysis, we determined the shortest times at which the sample materials were cross-linked enough, to successfully remove them from the mold. The values of the viscoelastic moduli of prematurely demolded samples were up to 35 % lower than the values of the same samples that were completely cross-linked in the mold.

Keywords:epoxy resin, kinetics of cross-linking, thermal properties, viscoelastic properties, rheological analysis, dynamic mechanical analysis

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