
Laboratorijski postopek izdelave mostička z ogrodjem BioHPP in kompozitnimi fasetami : diplomsko delo
ID Zupančič, Leonida (Author), ID Bohinc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lampe, Tomaž (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Za nadomeščanje manjkajočih zob se tako v fiksni kot snemni protetiki danes uporablja več različnih materialov. Vse večje so potrebe po brezkovinskih materialih, ki ustrezajo tako estetskim kot funkcijskim zahtevam. Keramika je bila v zobozdravstvo uvedena kot zelo biokompatibilen material, ki zagotavlja visoko estetskost, vendar ima določene omejitve pri uporabi, predvsem zaradi visoke krhkosti in nizke žilavosti. To je pripeljalo do razvoja materiala PEEK (polietereterketona), biopolimera, ki se ga uporablja tako v implantologiji kot v fiksni in snemni protetiki. BioHPP (biokompatibilni polimer z veliko zmogljivostjo) je različica PEEK-a, ki je bila posebej optimizirana za zobozdravstveno področje. BioHPP je okrepljen s keramičnimi polnili velikosti od 0,3 do 0,5 µm, kar materialu zagotavlja dobro polirno zmogljivost in s tem omogoča optimalno čiščenje. Pri izbiri materialov za nadomeščanje manjkajočih zob je pomembno dobro poznavanje njihovih lastnosti. Modul elastičnosti, maksimalna točka preloma, moč vezave enega materiala z drugim in odpornost proti plaku so v primeru BioHPP ključnega pomena. Namen: Diplomsko delo predstavlja različne tehnologije za izdelavo ogrodja BioHPP z opisom postopkov izdelave ter dva različna načina nanašanja kompozita. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila strokovna literatura in predstavitev laboratorijskih postopkov dela v zobnem laboratoriju. Rezultati: V diplomskem delu so natančno prikazane posamezne faze dela v zobnem laboratoriju, ki jih uporabljamo za izdelavo ogrodja BioHPP in kompozitnih faset. Vsaka delovna faza je prikazana s slikovnim gradivom. Opisana sta dva postopka izdelave mostičkov: oblikovanje ogrodja BioHPP, stisnjenega pod pritiskom, in fasetiranje s kompozitom crea.lign z barvanjem z barvami visio.paint ter izdelava mostička z rezkanjem ogrodja in fasetiranjem z luskami novo.lign. Razprava in zaključek: Vsak mostiček iz materiala BioHPP in s kompozitnimi fasetami načrtujemo tako, da se je med klinično uporabo sposoben upirati griznim obremenitvam, videz pa se mora čim bolj približati videzu naravnih zob. Pri načrtovanju ogrodij mostičkov, debeline prevlek ter premerov povezav med prevlekami in členi upoštevamo mehanske lastnosti materiala BioHPP z možnostjo uporabe različnih laboratorijskih tehnologij.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, PEEK, BioHPP, kompozitne fasete
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Zupančič]
Number of pages:33 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144941 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:146417923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Laboratory manufacturing bridges with BioHPP frame and composite facets : diploma work
Introduction: Several different materials are used today to replace missing teeth, both in the field of fixed and removable prosthetics. The need for metal-free materials that meet both aesthetic and functional requirements is increasing. Ceramics were introduced in dentistry as a highly biocompatible material that provides high aesthetics. However, it has certain limitations in its use, mainly because of its high fragility and low toughness. This led to the development of PEEK (polyether ether ketone), a biopolymer that is used in both implantology and fixed and removable prosthetics. BioHPP (Biocompatible High-Performance Polymer) is a variant of PEEK that has been specially optimized for the dental field. BioHPP is reinforced with ceramic fillers with a size of 0.3 to 0.5 μm, which provides the material with good polishing capacity and, thus, optimal cleaning. When choosing materials for replacing missing teeth, it is important to have a good knowledge of their properties. Modulus of elasticity, maximum breaking point, the bonding strength of one material to another, and resistance to plaque are crucial in the case of BioHPP. The purpose of the thesis is to present different technologies for the production of the BioHPP framework with a description of the production procedures and two different methods of applying the composite. Methods: Professional literature and presentation of laboratory work procedures in a dental laboratory were used. Results: In the bachelor’s thesis, the individual phases of work in the dental laboratory, which are used for the production of BioHPP frameworks and composite veneers, are shown in detail. Each work phase is shown with picture material. Two procedures for the manufacture of bridges are described: the creation of a BioHPP framework under pressure and faceting with crea.lign composite and painting with visio.paint colors, as well as the creation of a bridge by milling the framework and faceting with novo.lign flakes. Discussion and conclusion: Each bridge made of BioHPP material and composite veneers is designed in such a way that it can withstand biting loads during its clinical use. The appearance must be as close as possible to the aesthetics of natural teeth. When planning the framework of bridges, the thickness of the coverings, and the diameters of the connections between the coverings and links, we take into account the mechanical properties of the BioHPP material with the possibility of using different laboratory technologies.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, PEEK, BioHPP, composite veneers

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