
Robotska celica za sestavo in vgradnjo tiskanega vezja
ID JELOVČAN, JURE (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stroj, predstavljen v diplomski nalogi, je namenjen sestavi naročnikovega izdelka. Sestavljen je iz trinajstih celic, sedem od teh smo izdelali v našem podjetju. Naloge stroja so bile združiti posamezne podsestave v glavni sestav, manipulacija glavnega sestava in končno testiranje izdelka. Diplomsko delo predstavlja načrtovanje in programiranje robotske celice za vgradnjo tiskanega vezja na glavni sestav. Celica za vgradnjo tiskanega vezja je ena izmed devetih celic, ki so narejene po naročilu kupca in so namenjene montaži in testiranju sestava. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni proces vgradnje tiskanega vezja na glavni sestav, senzorji in aktuatorji, ki so vgrajeni na celici, krmiljenje, načrtovanje varnosti in programiranje programirljivega logičnega krmilnika Siemens ter robotov Epson. Skozi celotno diplomsko delo so navedene težave, s katerimi sem se soočal, in njihove rešitve. Cilji diplomske naloge so bili: sprojektirati varnost na stroju, ki operaterju preprečuje vstop v delovno področje stroja med delovanjem, izdelati program za ročno vodenje stroja in pri tem upoštevati vse možne točke trkov aktuatorjev, določiti sekvence pomikanja aktuatorjev, izdelati program za avtomatsko vodenje in uporabniški vmesnik za rokovanje operaterja s strojem ter prikaz alarmov in obvestil.

Keywords:avtomatizacija, program, projektiranje, PLK, varnost, robot, celica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144908 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:146451715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:A robotic cell for assembly and mounting of a PCB
The machine presented in the diploma thesis is intended for the assembly of the client's product. The machine is made of thirteen cells, seven of which we made in our company. Our tasks were to combine the individual subassemblies into the main assembly, the manipulation of the main work piece and the final product testing. The diploma thesis presents the design and programming of a robot cell for mounting a PCB assembly on the main work piece. The PCB assembly cell is one of the nine cells that are made according to the customer's order and are intended for the assembly and testing of the main work piece. The diploma thesis presents the process of assembling a PCB on an main work piece, sensors and actuators installed on the cell, controls, safety planning and programming of Siemens PLC and Epson robots. Throughout my dissertation I describe the problems I faced and their solutions. The goals of the diploma thesis were: design safety on machine to prevent the operator from entering the working area of the machine during operation, create a program for manual control of the machine, taking into account all possible points of machine breakdown, plan the sequence of movement of the actuators, create a program for automatic control and create a user interface for the operator to handle the machine and to display alarms and notifications.

Keywords:automation, program, design, PLC, security, robot, cell

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