The master's thesis begins with a presentation of the company Slovenske železnice d.o.o., management systems and certificates are also presented, which are key in ensuring
environmental efficiency and controlling the impact on the environment. The main part of the company's business is rail transport, so the impact of transport on the environment is presented, and the impact of rail transport on the environment is emphasized. A few topics are selected
that show how the company affects the environment, namely emissions into the environment, in addition to substance emissions, noise and light emissions and waste water emissions are presented, waste management in the company, transportation of dangerous goods and energy use are also presented here. It is clear that the Slovenian Railways company is effectively fighting against the negative impact they have on the environment with the certificates, the SŽ
group ensures that the area of efficient energy use and environmental protection is treated equally and included in the management system. In addition, SŽ groups improve the efficiency of energy, waste and water management every year and take into account the risks of traffic accidents, as accidents could have negative consequences for the environment. The group invests in new technologies, infrastructure and machines that are more efficient and operate according to the latest environmental standards, as well as carries out regular maintenance and inspections to minimize the possibility of excessive pollution.