
Prepozna priglasitev in opustitev priglasitve koncentracije
ID Škof, Rok (Author), ID Grilc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prepozna priglasitev koncentracije in opustitev priglasitve koncentracije predstavljata kršitev temeljnega gradnika v sistemu preventivnega (ex ante) nadzora koncentracij v Republiki Sloveniji in Evropski uniji, tj. obveznosti priglasitve koncentracije. Ker lahko navedeni kršitvi rezultirata v škodljivih posledicah za učinkovito konkurenco na trgu in potrošnike, je ključno dosledno sankcioniranje njunih kršiteljev. Pri tem je pomembno, da so v luči odvračilnega učinka izrečene sankcije dovolj visoke. Magistrsko delo primerjalno obravnava instituta prepozne priglasitve koncentracije in opustitve priglasitve koncentracije ter njune posledice v okviru sistema nadzora koncentracij v Republiki Sloveniji in Evropski uniji. Pri tem so, skozi analizo sodne prakse ter prakse organov za varstvo konkurence v navedenih jurisdikcijah, predstavljena glavna vodila in okoliščine, ki so relevantne za določanje višine primerne globe za zadevni kršitvi. Ob tem je predstavljen tudi institut obveznosti priglasitve v obeh sistemih ter predlagane določene izboljšave zanj. Zaradi inherentne povezave med obveznostjo priglasitve koncentracije ter obveznostjo zadržanja izvrševanja koncentracije pred priglasitvijo (t. i. obveznost mirovanja), je predstavljeno tudi razmerje med njima.

Keywords:konkurenčno pravo, obveznost priglasitve koncentracije, prepozna priglasitev koncentracije, opustitev priglasitve koncentracije, koncentracije, Uredba št. 139/2004, Zakon o preprečevanju omejevanja konkurence
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144856 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:147351299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Late notification of concentration and failure to notify a concentration
Late notification of a concentration and failure to notify a concentration constitute a breach of a fundamental aspect of the preventive (ex ante) merger control system in the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union, i.e. the obligation to notify a concentration. As these infringements can result in harmful consequences for effective competition on the market and for consumers, it is essential that infringers are consistently sanctioned. It is important that the imposed sanctions are sufficiently high in order to achieve the deterrent effect. Master thesis comparatively examines the institutes of late notification of concentration and failure to notify a concentration and their consequences in the context of the merger control system in the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union. The main guidelines and circumstances relevant to determine the appropriate level of the fine for the infringements in question are presented through an analysis of the case-law and decisions of competition authorities in those jurisdictions. Master thesis also outlines the concept of obligation to notify a concentration in both systems and proposes certain improvements to it. Given the inherent connection between the obligation to notify a concentration and the obligation to suspend the implementation of the concentration prior to notification (the standstill obligation), the relationship between the two is also presented.

Keywords:competition law, obligation to notify a concentration, late notification of concentration, failure to notify a concentration, concentrations, Regulation No 139/2004, Prevention of Restriction of Competition Act

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