
Oblikovanje tekstilnih vzorcev za tisk tapetniških tkanin v podjetju Mercis d.o.o.
ID Müller Šuštar, Katarina (Author), ID Jenko, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tekstilni vzorci predstavljajo nepogrešljiv sestavni element v svetu notranje opreme. Prostoru dajejo dinamiko, globino, ustvarjajo vzdušje, prispevajo teksturo in barvitost, tudi osebno, edinstveno noto. V tradicionalnih slogih dekoracije so bili vedno sprejeti in kot kaže tudi v sodobnih interierjih ne izostajajo, saj smo prostore začeli hitreje in bolj samozavestno spreminjati. Veliko zaslugo za to ima nenehno razvijajoča se tiskarska industrija, ki se ustrezno odziva na zahteve modnih ciklov. Pogostejše sezone spodbujajo in pospešujejo tempo konzumacije, čemur sledi povpraševanje po tiskanih tkaninah. Opaziti je, da so se tudi tekstilni vzorci za uporabo v interierju začeli pojavljati sezonsko. Novejše prakse tiskanja na tekstil brez posebnih težav zadoščajo potrebam trga, ker so vsestranske, ekonomične, izjemno učinkovite in prilagodljive, zadnje čase pa se zavzemajo še za okolju prijaznejše postopke izdelave. V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno oblikovanje treh digitalno ustvarjenih tekstilnih vzorcev, namenjenih tisku tapetniških kolekcij v podjetju Mercis d.o.o., kjer sem zaposlena kot oblikovalec – tehnolog. Tapetniške tkanine se tiskajo neposredno v podjetju na način sublimacijskega transfernega tiska. Kolekcija Fashion je bila razvita kot nadomestilo stare, istoimenske žakardne kolekcije, kolekcija Labirint kot novost med tiski na blago naravnega izgleda, kolekcija Retro pa kot lastna ideja, ki je zaživela v tekstilni preobleki na plišu. Predstavljen je večplasten proces oblikovanja tiskanih vzorcev, ki so nastali preko preučevanja vzorca v umetniških in funkcionalnih razsežnostih. Delo, vpeto v realno okolje prodaje, od načrtovanja vzorcev, testiranja, spreminjanja in izboljšav do konkretnega tiskanja, pomeni prenos kreativnih zamisli v dejanski artikel. Vse tri tiskane kolekcije so bile razvite v sezoni 2020/21 in so na voljo kot del redne ponudbe podjetja.

Keywords:oblikovanje vzorcev, tekstilni vzorci, transferni tisk, tapetniška tkanina, prodajna kolekcija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144854 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design of textile patterns for printing upholstery fabrics at the company Mercis d.o.o.
Textile patterns represent an indispensable element in the world of interior design. They give dynamics and depth to the room, create an atmosphere, contribute texture and colour, also a personal, unique touch. They have always been accepted in traditional styles of decoration and, as it turns out, they are not absent in modern interiors either, as we begun to change the interiors faster and more confidently. Much credit for this goes to the ever-evolving printing industry, which responds appropriately to the demands of fashion cycles. More frequent seasons encourage and accelerate the pace of consumption, followed by demand for printed fabrics. It is noticeable that textile patterns for interior use also began to appear seasonally. Newer textile printing practices meet the needs of the market without any particular problems, because they are versatile, economical, extremely efficient and flexible, and lately they have also strived for more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. The master's thesis presents the design of three digitally created textile samples intended for printing upholstery collections at Mercis d.o.o., where I am employed as a designer - technologist. Upholstery fabrics are printed directly in the company using sublimation transfer printing. The Fashion collection was developed as a replacement for the old jacquard collection of the same name, the Labirint collection as a novelty among prints on natural-looking fabrics, and the Retro collection as my own idea that came to life in a textile cover on plush. I am introducing a multi-layered process of making printed patterns, which were created through the study of the pattern in artistic and functional dimensions. Work embedded in a real sales environment, from pattern planning, testing, modification and improvement to concrete printing, means the transfer of creative ideas to the actual article. All three printed collections were developed for the 2020/21 season and are available as part of the company's regular range.

Keywords:pattern design, surface pattern, transfer printing, upholstery fabric, sales collection

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