
Razvoj aplikacije za glasbeno literaturo
ID ANDROJA, TIM (Author), ID Žabkar, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Svetovni splet nam je poenostavil mnogo stvari, med drugimi tudi uˇcenje glasbe. V Sloveniji in sosednjih drˇzavah obstaja veliko spletnih strani, ki ponujajo glasbeno literaturo, vendar z njihovo uporabniˇsko izkuˇsnjo (angl. user experience, UX, UE) nisem bil nikoli zadovoljen. Veˇcinski deleˇz tovrstnih spletnih strani ˇze dolgo ni dobil nobene posodobitve, posledniˇcno jih je povozil hiter razvoj spletnih tehnologij. V tem diplomskem delu bom ustvaril aplikacijo za uporabo in deljenje glasbene literature, ki bo imela poudarek na nadgradnji uporabniˇske izkuˇsnje obstojeˇcih spletnih strani in bo nudila storitve ciljnim uporabnikom, ki so uˇcenci glasbe in glasbeniki. V sklopu diplomske naloge bom aplikacijo prevedel in prilagodil po drˇzavi uporabnika, in sicer za Slovenijo, Hrvaˇsko, Srbijo ter Bosno in Hercegovino. Aplikacijo bom postavil v produkcijsko okolje, kjer bom z orodjem Google Analytics ocenil uspeˇsnost svojega uporabniˇskega vmesnika na podlagi stopnje odboja (angl. bounce rate) in povpreˇcnega ˇcasa, porabljenega na posamezni strani. Naˇsteto bom dosegel z uporabo sodobnih spletnih tehnologij, ki jih bom tudi opisal. Glavni cilj aplikacije je njena uporaba, ki bo sluˇzila izmenjevanju glasbenega znanja in izkuˇsenj uporabnikov.

Keywords:glasbena literatura, uporabniˇska izkuˇsnja, spletne tehnologije, razvoj aplikacije.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144844 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:148118275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development of music literature application
The World Wide Web has simplified many things for us, including learning music. There are many websites in Slovenia and neighboring countries that offer music literature, but I have never been really satisfied with their user experience. In this diploma thesis I will create an application for use and sharing of music literature, which will have an emphasis on improved user experience of existing websites and will provide services that target users who are music students and musicians. As part of the thesis I will translate and adapt the application according to the user’s country. I will also deploy the application in the production environment, where I will evaluate its performance with Google Analytics tool. I’m going to measure user bounce rate and average time spent on each page. I will address all the problems using modern web technologies, which I will also describe. My future goal is that that application would be used to exchange music knowledge and experience.

Keywords:music literature, user experience, web technologies, application development

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