
Izdelava izobraževalne družabne igre za utrjevanje znanja iz biologije v srednjih šolah
ID Milavc, Eva (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za dosego vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev lahko pri pouku uporabimo izobraževalne oz. didaktične igre, npr. (namizne) družabne izobraževalne igre (DII). V Sloveniji ni raziskav na temo uporabe in ustreznosti takšnih iger na temo biologije v izobraževanju srednješolcev. Z našo raziskavo smo zato ugotavljali stališča dijakov do takšnih iger. Ker primanjkuje DII s področja biologije smo ustvarili takšno igro s področja citologije in genetike (»Lepo je biti biolog«) in preverili stališča dijakov tudi do te. Raziskava je bila opravljena kot anonimno spletno anketiranje dijakov ene izmed ljubljanskih gimnazij. Sodelovalo je 84 dijakov, ki so obiskovali drugi ali tretji letnik. Ti so po predstavitvi naše igre reševali anketni vprašalnik o svojih stališčih do DII nasploh in do omenjene igre. Dijaki so zainteresirani za igranje DII, pri čemer dijaki tretjih letnikov kažejo višji interes, ne glede na spol. Dijaki se vsaj do neke mere strinjajo, da bi uporaba DII pozitivno vplivala na njihovo znanje. Verjetno bi jim DII predstavljale sproščujoč način učenja, saj se ne bi počutili nelagodno, če ne bi znali odgovoriti na vprašanja v igri. Naša DII “Lepo je biti biolog” se dijakom zdi uporabna, koristna, smiselna, zanimiva in zabavna. Občasno bi jo uporabili v številnih situacijah. Pogosto bi jo uporabili v času nadomeščanj ali zaposlitev dijakov, nikoli pa je ne bi uporabili doma, za zabavo. Čeprav se danes vedno več aktivnosti izvaja digitalno, bi našo igro raje uporabili v fizični obliki (v živo) kot na telefonu oz. računalniku. V srednjih šolah v Sloveniji so izobraževalne igre bolj izjema kot pravilo. Pomemben razlog za to je verjetno pomanjkanje takšnih iger. Priporočamo izdelavo takšnih iger, ki bi jih bilo potrebno preizkusiti v nadaljnih raziskavah.

Keywords:didaktične igre, izobraževalne igre, družabne izobraževalne igre, Lepo je biti biolog, biologija, srednja šola, stališča
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. Milavc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144834 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:146380547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Designing an educational board game for knowledge reinforcement in upper secondary school biology class
Educational or didactic games, e.g. board educational games (BEG), can be used in the classroom to achieve educational goals. There is no research in Slovenia on the use and relevance of such games in the education of secondary school students on the topic of biology. Our survey therefore sought to determine students' attitudes towards such games. As there is a lack of BEG on biology, we created a game on cytology and genetics ("It's nice to be a biologist") and checked students' attitudes towards this game as well. The survey was carried out as an anonymous online survey of students in one of Ljubljana's upper secondary school. 84 students in their second or third year participated in the survey. After the presentation of our game, they were asked to answer a questionnaire about their attitudes towards the BEG in general and towards the game in particular. Students are interested in playing BEG, with third year students showing a higher interest, regardless of gender. Students agree, at least to some extent, that the use of BEG would have a positive impact on their knowledge. They would probably find BEG a relaxing way to learn, as they would not feel uncomfortable if they were not able to answer the questions in the game. Students find our BEG "It's nice to be a biologist" useful, meaningful, interesting and fun. They would occasionally use it in many situations. Often it would be used in class when teacher is absent, but never at home for fun. Although more and more activities are now being done digitally, they would prefer to use our game in a physical (in live) format rather than on a phone or computer. In upper secondary schools in Slovenia, using educational games is more exception than the rule. An important reason for this is probably the lack of such games. We recommend the creation of such games, which should be tested in further research.

Keywords:didactic games, educational games, educational board games, It's nice to be a biologist, biology, high school, attitudes

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