
Problemska analiza prenove degradiranih industrijskih območij na primeru občine Trbovlje : magistrsko delo
ID Klančišar Schneider, Katja (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lisec, Anka (Comentor)

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Cilj magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kateri dejavniki zavirajo izvajanje urbane prenove v Sloveniji. V delu smo določili splošne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na izvajanje urbane prenove, in izvedli njihovo problemsko analizo na primeru degradiranih industrijskih območij (DIO) v občini Trbovlje. Metodološki pristop k problemski analizi je bil zasnovan na podlagi študija literature in opravljene raziskave med slovenskimi strokovnjaki s področja prostorskega načrtovanja. Problemsko analizo sestavljajo tri poglavja: (1) primerjalna analiza nemške in slovenske sistemske ureditve področja, (2) analiza gospodarsko-razvojnega potenciala zasavske statistične regije in (3) analiza značilnosti izbranih degradiranih območij v občini Trbovlje. Za vsak sklop smo izbrali dejavnike, ki lahko ključno vplivajo na izvajanje urbane prenove, in jim pripisali kazalnike, ki so služili kot temelj analize. Ugotovili smo, da lastnosti obravnavanih DIO v občini Trbovlje negativno vplivajo na izvajanje njihove prenove, da ima zasavska statistična regija slab gospodarsko-razvojni potencial in s tem omejene možnosti za izvajanje urbane prenove ter da je v danih zakonskih okvirih prenova DIO v občini Trbovlje otežena. Zakonsko določeni instrumenti niso prilagojeni niti izvajanju urbane prenove v problemskih območjih, kot je zasavska statistična regija, niti prenovi degradiranih industrijskih območij. V zaključku dela predlagamo nekatere ukrepe, s katerimi bi lahko izboljšali delovanje sistema urbane prenove v Sloveniji. Za potrebe strateškega načrtovanja urbane prenove bi bilo potrebno z zakonodajo določiti merila za vzpostavitev lokalnega oziroma regionalnega informacijskega sistema notranjih zemljiških potencialov, opredeliti strokovne podlage za določitev in utemeljevanje lokalnim razmeram prilagojenih ukrepov urbane prenove ter načine vključevanja javnosti v načrtovalski proces. Za potrebe izvajanje projektov je potrebno opredeliti finančne vire, koordinacijo in nadzor nad izvajanjem urbane prenove.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, trajnostni prostorski razvoj, degradirana industrijska območja, urbana prenova, dejavniki urbane prenove, zakonska ureditev urbane prenove, Zasavje, občina Trbovlje
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Klančišar Schneider]
Number of pages:XXIII, 169 str., [6] pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144831 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6472033 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Problem analysis of brownfield revitalisation for the case study of municipality Trbovlje : master of science thesis
The goal of the master thesis is to reveal which factors are hindering implementation of the urban renewal in Slovenia. These factors were analyzed on the basis of the problem analysis in the case of brownfields in the Municipality of Trbovlje. Problem analysis of urban renewal has been designed based on the study of literature and survey of Slovenian experts in the field of spatial planning. Problem analysis consists of three-set inquiry: (1) comparative analysis of German and Slovenian legislating on urban renewal, (2) the analysis of the economic-development potential of the statistical region Zasavje and (3) the analysis of the characteristics of selected brownfields in the municipality of Trbovlje. For each analytical set, a set of factors that can significantly affect the implementation of urban renewal measures had been selected, and attribute indicators which served as the basis for the procedure of problem analysis, were defined. It was discovered that characteristics of the investigated brownfields in the Municipality of Trbovlje are limiting the renewal process and that statistical region of Zasavje is economically strongly disadvantaged. In such, lagging behind regions, urban renewal initiatives are difficult to carry out. Further more, the legislative framework does not provide efficient measures. These instruments are not accommodated nor to the implementation of the renewal in the lagging behind region nor are they suitable for the brownfields. Therefore, the conclusion consists of the proposal for the improvements of the approach to the renewal in Slovenia. For example, strategic approach to the urban renewal should offer the criteria for the establishment of the local or regional GIS of internal land potentials, define the scientific basis for the decision making and argumentation of the locally tailored measures of the urban renewal and the techniques of integrating the public into the planning process. Implementation of the projects should be supported by financial sources, co-ordination and supervision of the urban renewal delivery.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, sustainable spatial development, brownfield, urban renewal, factors of urban renewal, regulation of urban renewal, Zasavje, Municipality Trbovlje

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