
Ovire alternativnega reševanja sporov v upravnem sporu
ID Porovne Černe, Patricija (Author), ID Žuber, Bruna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Alternativno reševanje sporov (ARS) se zaradi hitrosti, ekonomičnosti, fleksibilnosti in zaupnosti čedalje bolj uveljavlja na vse več področjih pravnega urejanja. V upravnem sporu zaradi številnih ovir in specifik postopka do širše uveljavitve ARS (še) ni prišlo. ARS se v praksi pogosteje uporablja pri odločanju na podlagi diskrecijske pravice, ki predstavlja prej izjemo kot pravilo v upravnem sporu. ARS bi predvsem zaradi svojih koristi in prednosti v številnih primerih lahko nadomestil odločanje v upravnem sporu. A (pre)pogosto nadomeščanje odločitev bi omajalo načelo delitve oblasti. Pri reševanju sporov z alternativnimi metodami mora biti spoštovano enako varstvo pravic posameznika, kar pa otežuje načelo zaupnosti, eno temeljnih načel ARS. Materialnopravne podlage za odločanje v upravnem sporu so praviloma urejene s kogentnimi predpisi, ki ne dopuščajo svobodne volje razpolaganja z zahtevkom, kar še dodatno otežuje vpeljavo alternativnih konceptov. Obenem je področje upravnega prava močno prepleteno s tradicijo, ki znatno zavira miselne premike in vpeljavo novitet. Upoštevajoč dejstvo, da je ZUS-1 v procesu noveliranja, je na mestu razmislek o drznejšem in fleksibilnejšem pristopu slovenskega zakonodajalca. Z novelo zakona bi lahko spodbudili začetek uporabe sodišču pridružene mediacije na Upravnem sodišču, saj le-ta stranke postopka vodi v rešitev odnosa in ne le posameznega spora, hkrati pa obstaja večja verjetnost prostovoljne izvršitve dogovora in s tem večji ugled sodnega sistema. De lege ferenda predlog je tudi sporazum glede dejanskega stanja, ki se uporabi le v posamezni fazi odločanja. Tovrsten sporazum vsebuje navedbe strank o relevantnem dejanskem stanju in tako zapolni spodnjo premiso odločanja, kasneje pa je sodišče pri aplikaciji materialnega prava na tako ugotovljeno dejansko stanje vezano.

Keywords:alternativno reševanje sporov, upravni spor, poravnava, mediacija, sporazum glede dejanskega stanja, ombudsman, načelo zakonitosti, enako varstvo pravic, omejena dispozitivnost, tradicija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144650 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:147344131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Obstacles to alternative dispute resolution in administrative dispute
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is increasingly gaining ground in more and more areas of the legal system due to its speed, economy, flexibility and confidentiality. In administrative dispute, due to a number of obstacles and specificities of the procedure, the wider take-up of ADR has not (yet) taken place. In practice, ADR is more often used in discretionary decision-making, which is the exception rather than the rule in administrative dispute. Especially because of its benefits and advantages, ADR could in many cases replace administrative adjudication. But (too) frequent substitution of decisions would undermine the principle of separation of powers. Alternative dispute resolution must respect the equal protection of the rights of the individual, which is made more difficult by the principle of confidentiality, one of the fundamental principles of ADR. The substantive legal bases for administrative dispute resolution are generally governed by mandatory rules which do not allow for free disposal of the claim, which further complicates the introduction of alternative concepts. At the same time, the field of administrative law is strongly intertwined with tradition, which significantly hinders mind shifts and the introduction of innovations. Taking into account the fact that the ZUS-1 is in the process of being amended, it is appropriate to consider a bolder and more flexible approach by the Slovenian legislator. The amendment of the law could encourage the introduction of court-annexed mediation at the Administrative Court, as it leads the parties to the proceedings to a resolution of the relationship and not only of the individual dispute, while at the same time there is a higher probability of voluntary implementation of the agreement and thus a higher reputation of the judicial system. A de lege ferenda proposal is also an agreement on the facts which is applicable only at the individual decision-making stage. Such an agreement contains the parties' submissions on the relevant facts and thus fills in the ground for decision, and the court is then bound by the facts so established in its application of the substantive law.

Keywords:alternative dispute resolution, administrative dispute, conciliation, mediation, agreement on the facts, ombudsman, principle of legality, equal protection of rights, limited dispositivity, tradition

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