
Sistem za upravljanje in nadzor temperature v vinskih sodih
ID KENDA, TOMAŽ (Author), ID Pustišek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je nadgradnja elektronsko računalniškega sistema za nadzor temperature v vinskih sodih, ti. sistema Veritas, produkta podjetja Epiko d.o.o. Sistem je bil v začetku zasnovan izključno za potrebe vinarja, da lahko v lastni vinski kleti nadzoruje temperaturo in posledično kontrolira fermentacijo v vseh vinskih sodih. Uvideli smo priložnost, da lahko produkt postane bolj zanimiv, če bi razvili spletno aplikacijo, preko katere bi bil mogoč vpogled v sistem geografsko neodvisen. V drugem poglavju najprej predstavim obstoječe stanje sistema, vso programsko opremo in naprave. Naknadno smo sistem dopolnili z dodatno strežniško programsko opremo, ki omogoča povezovanje več vinskih kleti na centralni strežnik s podatkovno bazo, hkrati pa omogoča komunikacijo med spletno aplikacijo uporabnika preko centralnega strežnika do lastne vinske kleti. Odločili smo se za pošiljanje podatkov v formatu JSON prek komunikacijskega protokola WebSocket. Pri razvoju spletne aplikacije sem uporabil odprtokodno ogrodje Quasar, ki je namenjeno za izdelavo uporabniških vmesnikov. Quasar je ogrodje, ki ga podpirajo trije programski jeziki: HTML, JavaScript (ogrodje Vue.js) in CSS. Nato predstavim, kako sem izdelal aplikacijo in kako smo določili protokol za izmenjavo podatkov med aplikacijo in strežniško programsko opremo. Na koncu opišem še postopek za izgradnjo projekta in kako produkcijske datoteke namestimo na spletni strežnik. V zaključku izpostavim še možnosti glede nadgradnje, dodelav in prihranka stroškov, saj želimo sistem Veritas v kratkem predstaviti na trgu pod lastno blagovno znamko.

Keywords:CSS, Enolični lokator vira, Internet stvari, Izvorna koda, JavaScript, JSON, Merilna sonda, Odziven spletni dizajn, Ogrodje, Programabilni logični krmilnik, Shramba brskalnika, Shramba seje, Sistem za nadzor in upravljanje, Vinski sodi, Vtičnik, Vzpostavitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144642 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:144350723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.03.2023
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Secondary language

Title:System for management and control of temperature in wine barrels
This thesis is an extension and upgrade of an electronic computer system for temperature control called Veritas, which was developed by the company Epiko d.o.o. The system was initialy designed for the needs of winemakers, as it allows them to adjust the temperature in the wine barrels and thereby control the fermentation process. We saw an opportunity to make the whole product more appealing, by developing a web application enabling users to access the system from anywhere. In the second chapter, I present the current state of the system, its software and devices. Due to upgrade needs, we supplemented the system with additional server software, which enables several customers/wineries to be connected to a central server with a database. At the same time, it enables communication between the user's web application and their own winery via the central server. I chose the JSON format for sending data via the WebSocket protocol. To develop our web application, I used the Quasar open source framework, whose purpose is creating user interfaces. It is supported by three programming languages: HTML, JavaScript (Vue.js framework) and CSS. In the third chapter, I explain how the application is built and how I defined the protocol for exchanging data between the application and the server software. Lastly, I describe the process of building the project and how to install the production files on the web hosting server. In the conclusion of the thesis, I point out the possibilities for future upgrades, improvements and cost saving potentials, as we plan to present the Veritas system on the market in the near future, under our own brand.

Keywords:Cascading Style Sheets, Uniform Resource Locator, Internet of Things, Source code, JavaScript, JavaScript Object Notation, Measuring probe, Responsive Web Design, Framework, Programmable Logic Controller, Web storage, Session storage, Control and management system, Wine barrels, Plugin, Handshake

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