
Upravne pogodbe v slovenskem pravu
ID Štemberger, Katja (Author), ID Pirnat, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Upravne pogodbe vzbujajo pozornost upravnih teoretikov že več kot stoletje. Najdemo jih v skoraj vseh evropskih kontinentalnih pravnih sistemih bodisi kot zakonsko urejen institut bodisi kot institut, ki je uveljavljen zgolj v teoriji in/ali sodni praksi. Gre za dvostranski pravni posel, ki ga država ali drug javnopravni subjekt sklene s tretjimi osebami v javnem interesu in je podvržen posebnemu pravnemu režimu. Slovensko pravo upravnih pogodb kot posebnega instituta upravnega prava ne ureja, vendar se je ta institut pojavil tudi pri nas, sprva v upravni teoriji, nato še v sodni praksi. Tudi v slovenskem pravu tako nastajajo pogodbena razmerja, v katerih lahko prepoznamo elemente upravnih pogodb. Ker te v okviru slovenske zakonodaje niso urejene oziroma so urejene pomanjkljivo, se zanje praviloma uporabljajo splošna pravila obligacijskega prava, ki urejajo klasična pogodbena razmerja. Toda obligacijsko pravo temelji na drugačnih načelih kot upravno pravo, zato neprilagojena uporaba teh pravil zaradi posebnosti upravnih pogodb ni ustrezna, kar kaže na potrebo po ureditvi temeljnih značilnosti upravnih pogodb tudi v slovenskem pravu. V odsotnosti posebne pravne ureditve tega instituta enostranski posegi javnopravnega subjekta v pogodbeno razmerje iz razlogov javnega interesa, ki so bistvo pravnega režima upravnih pogodb, zaradi vezanosti uprave na načelo zakonitosti namreč niso dopustni. Delo z vidika stališč (domače in tuje) upravne doktrine, sodne prakse ter normativne ureditve kritično obravnava upravne pogodbe v slovenskem pravu. Osredotoča se na posebnosti upravnih pogodb z vidika njihove sklenitve, izvajanja, prenehanja, neveljavnosti in pravnega varstva ter podaja nekatere predloge rešitev de lege ferenda.

Keywords:pogodbe uprave, upravne pogodbe, javne pogodbe, sprememba pogodbe, javni interes, oseba javnega prava, spremenjene okoliščine, finančno ravnotežje, odškodnina, prenehanje pogodbe, pravno varstvo
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144520 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143816707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Administrative contracts in the Slovenian legal system
Administrative contracts have been attracting the attention of administrative theory for more than a century. They can be found in almost all European continental legal systems, either as an institution regulated by law or as an institution established only in theory and/or case law. An administrative contract can be defined as a bilateral legal transaction concluded by the state or another public-law entity and third persons with the aim of realizing public interest, which is subject to a specific legal regime. Even though administrative contracts are not recognized in the Slovenian regulatory framework, they have also appeared in its territory: first only in theoretical discussions, later in courts' case law. Thus, numerous contractual relationships containing elements of administrative contracts can be found in the Slovenian legal system. However, due to the absence of a special public law regulation or insufficient regulation of such contracts, they are governed by the rules of obligation law, which is based on different principles than administrative law. Therefore, the application of these rules is not appropriate due to the specific nature of administrative contracts, which points to the need to regulate the fundamental features of administrative contracts in Slovenian law as well. In the absence of a specific legal regulation of this institute, unilateral interventions by a public-law entity in a contractual relationship for reasons of public interest, which are the essence of the legal regime of administrative contracts, are not permissible since the administration is bound by the principle of legality. The thesis critically examines administrative contracts in Slovenian law from the perspective of (domestic and foreign) administrative doctrine, case law, and normative regulation. It focuses on the specific features of administrative contracts in terms of their conclusion, performance, termination, invalidity, and legal protection, and makes some proposals de lege ferenda.

Keywords:contracts of administration, administrative contracts, public contracts, contract modification, public interest, public-law entity, changed circumstances, financial equilibrium, compensation, termination of contract, legal protection

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