
Zadnji človek: od Nietzschejevega nadčloveka do Fukuyamovega nečloveka : od Nietzschejevega nadčloveka do Fukuyamovega nečloveka
ID Kocsondi, Katalin (Author), ID Komel, Mirt (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga temelji na razumevanju zadnjega človeka na podlagi Nietzschejeve filozofije ter konca zgodovine po filozofiji Hegla. Oba koncepta se združujeta v politični razpravi Francisa Fukuyame, ki je razglasil konec zgodovine z nastopom liberalne demokracije leta 1991. Fukuyama svojo teorijo podkuje s transzgodovinskim razumevanjem razvoja demokracije, ki temelji na človeški želji po priznanju ali thymos ter na podlagi razvoja znanosti. Leta 1999 Fukuyama objavi članek Second thoughts, v katerem nakaže, da zgodovine še ni konec. Dvom mu zbudi napredna biotehnologija, ki predstavlja znanstveno smer, ki raziskuje spreminjanje celic živih organizmov. Fukuyama tako nakaže na možnost ponovnega zagona zgodovine. Tako se ob koncu razumevanja zadnjega človeka obračamo na gibanje, ki se zavzema za tehnološko naprednost in biološke izboljšave ljudi, transhumanizem. Ob analizi razumevanja človeka danes in njegove odvisnosti od tehnologije se opiram na Heideggerjevo Vprašanje o tehniki ter delo Hannah Arendt Vita Activa. Vedno večje zanimanje za možnost izboljšave človeškega obstoja nas pripelje do prelomne točke v zgodovini. Ob tem se naloga usmerja v analizo človeka kot biti na tej prelomni točki ob koncu zgodovine.

Keywords:zadnji človek, Nietzsche, Francis Fukuyama, konec zgodovine, transhumanizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljuibljana
Publisher:[K. Kocsondi]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144508 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143409923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The last man: from Nietzsche’s overman to Fukuyama’s nonman : magistrsko delo
The master's thesis is based on the analysis of the last man in Nietzsche's philosophy and the end of history according to Hegel's philosophy. The two concepts integrate in the political discussion by Francis Fukuyama, who declared the end of history with the emergence of liberal democracy in 1991. Fukuyama forms his theory on a transhistorical understanding of the development of democracy, which bases on the human desire for recognition or thymos, and the progress of science. In 1999, Fukuyama published the article Second thoughts, in which he reveals his doubts about the end of history. Biotechnology as an advanced scientific field made Fukuyama doubt the statement that humanity has reached its end, as science has not reached its end, there is a possibility of restarting history. The focus is to understand the last man at the end of history, through the analytical thoughts of philosophical thinkers such as Martin Heidegger in the lecture The Question Concerning Technology and Hannah Arendt’s work Vita Activa. The ever-increasing interest in improving human existence brings us to a turning point in history. In light of this the thesis focuses on the analysis of man as a being on this turning point at the end of history.

Keywords:the last man, Nietzsche, Francis Fukuyama, the end of history, transhumanism.

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