
Optimalna razmestitev strojev v oddelku pakiranja
ID Mirjanić, Branka (Author), ID Kušar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berlec, Tomaž (Comentor)

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Največja rezerva proizvodnega procesa se skriva v stroških manipulacije materiala, ki predstavljajo do 50% vseh stroškov. Obstoječa razmestitev delovnih sredstev pakirnega oddelka zahteva premoščanje velikih razdalj z materialom, kar doprinese k velikemu zapravljanju. V delu smo predstavili teoretične osnove vitke proizvodnje in raziskali tehnike, s katerimi lahko optimiziramo proizvodni proces. Z analizo koristnosti možnih alternativ smo izbrali boljšo in nato določili optimalno razmestitev delovnih sredstev. Dokazali smo, da lahko z optimalno razmestitvijo bistveno zmanjšamo stroške transporta in prispevamo tudi k zmanjšanju ostalih zapravljanj.

Keywords:vitka proizvodnja, odpravljanje zapravljanj, analiza toka materiala, optimizacija razmestitve delovnih mest, analiza koristnosti in stroškov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Mirjanić]
Number of pages:XIX, 61
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144481 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143006211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.02.2023
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Title:Optimal layout of machines in the packing department
The largest reserve of the production process is hidden in the costs of material manipulation which represents up to 50% of all costs. The existing layout of the packaging department requires crossing large distances with material which contributes to a lot of waste. In case study we presented the theoretical foundations of lean production and explored techniques that can be used to optimize the production process. With cost-benefit analysis we determined the better alternative and then arranged the optimal layout. We have proven that with the optimal layout we can significantly reduce transport costs and also contribute to the reduction of other waste.

Keywords:product packing, lean production, waste elimination, material flow analysis, layout optimization, cost-benefit analysis

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