
Klasifikacija endoskopskega laserja po standardu IEC 60825-1 in izdelava referenčnega vira
ID PREVC, MANCA (Author), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je predstavljena klasifikacija laserskih proizvodov. Predstavljene so zahteve in obseg standarda IEC 60825-1: Varnost laserskih proizvodov – 1. del: Klasifikacija opreme in zahteve (“Safety of laser products – Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements”). V sklopu navedenega standarda je bilo izvedeno preskušanje laserske naprave in sicer medicinskega endoskopskega laserja. Preko rezultatov preskušanja je testna naprava klasificirana oziroma umeščena v ustrezen razred laserjev. Glede na razred v katerega sodi, so določene varnostne zahteve, ki jih proizvod mora izpolnjevati. Predstavljena je tudi vsebina poročila o preskusu po IEC 60825-1 standardu. Pri meritvah laserskega sevanja se pojavi nekaj izzivov, zato se v nadaljevanju dela osredotočim na enega izmed njih. Tekom meritev izsevanje moči laserja, se lahko pojavi nepričakovn rezultat. Ta je lahko posledica napake na testni napravi ali na foto-detektorju. Ker je slednje težko določiti, je bila v ta namen zasnovana naprava za preverjanje delovanja foto-detektorja. Izdelan je bil referenčni laserski vir, ki služi kot primerjava izmerjene izsevane moči laserske diode s podatkovnim listom laserske diode. S primerjavo rezultata izmerjene vrednosti ugotovimo, ali foto-detektor ustrezno deluje.

Keywords:Laser, standard, varnost, klasifikacija, meritve, preskušanje, poročilo, referenčni vir
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144469 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143184643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2023
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Title:Endoscopic laser classification according to the IEC 60825-1 standard and creation of a reference source
The thesis presents classification of laser equipment and devices. It illustrates the requirements and scope of safety standard IEC 60825-1: Safety of laser products – Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements. Within the scope of the standard IEC 60825-1, the testing of the laser device was performed. The device under test was medical endoscopic laser source. Through the testing and measurements, the device is classified and placed into appropriate laser class. Depending on the class to which it belongs, there are certain safety requirements that the product must meet. The content of the official test report according to the IEC 60825-1 standard is also presented. There are several challenges in measuring laser radiation. I focus on one of the problems that can occur. During the measurement of the laser radiation power, an unexpected result may appear. This can be the result of an improper working of the test device or of the photo-detector. Since the latter is difficult to determine, a device for verifying the operation of the photo-detector was designed for this purpose. A reference laser source was constructed to serve as a comparison of the measured radiated power of the laser diode with the data sheet of the laser diode. By comparing the result of the measured value, we can determine whether the photo-detector is working properly.

Keywords:Laser, standard, safety, classification, measurement, testing, report, reference source

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