The purpose of the diploma thesis was to collect the author's poems, combine them into a collection of poetry and finally publish it as a book. The design included the layout of the internal pages, the arrangement of the entire content and the design of the cover, as well as preparation for printing. Creating the design, a lot of attention was devoted to the content of the book in such a way that the final image complements it.
The theoretical part of the thesis is based on poetry as a literary genre. The main focus was on the book itself and its elements from determining the format, mirror to typography and graphic elements. In the graphic preparation, the types of printing and finishing options that were suitable for the production of the poetry collection are summerized and described in more detail. The content of the experimental work includes the analysis of stylistically comparable poetry collections, the purpose of which was to find the constants of graphic design in poetry and to rely on them in the further development of the idea of setting up the collection itself. An important part of the experimental work was also the choice of materials, which were decided upon after checking the test printouts.
Work methods and procedures leading to the final product are described. The conclusion of the thesis consists of explanations for all the elements mentions in the theoretical part, based on the final example of the layout of the poetry collection and print preparation. The result of the diploma work is the designed and printed poetry book Zlato Klasje.