
Izzivi vladavini prava v procesu pridruževanja držav Zahodnega Balkana Evropski uniji : magistrsko delo
ID Ristova, Elena (Author), ID Bojinović Fenko, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo proučuje učinke evropeizacije na vladavino prava v pristopnem procesu držav Zahodnega Balkana k Evropski uniji (EU). V procesu tranzicije teh držav v skladu s pogoji za članstvo, EU uporablja pogojevanje kot glavni mehanizem za izvajanje pravnih reform. V nasprotju s splošno razširjenim stališčem proučevalcev evropeizacije, da EU preoblikuje države in da ima pogojevanje EU transformativno moč, v magistrskem delu trdim, da pogojevanje EU pod nekaterimi neugodnimi domačimi pogoji (dejavniki), prisotnimi v državah Zahodnega Balkana, na primer zgodovinsko zapuščino pojugoslovanskih oboroženih spopadov in neuspehom političnih elit, da se zavzamejo za implementacijo standardov pravne države, doseže nasprotni učinek od želenega, Namesto transformativnega vzpostavlja patološki (negativni) vpliv na izvajanje pravosodnih reform v državah Zahodnega Balkana. Pogojevanje EU z izvedeno reformo pravosodja prispeva k utrjevanju obstoječega škodljivega modela vladanja, zato se posledično vladavina prava ne vzpostavlja, temveč slabi. Reforme pravne države tako pogosto vodijo k šibkemu pravnemu približevanju standardom EU ter k politizaciji in instrumentalizaciji zakonov, kar neposredno povzroča kršitve načel pravičnosti in poštenosti pred zakonom, vključno s pravosodno korupcijo in odvisnostjo od vladnih struktur v vseh analiziranih državah.

Keywords:evropeizacija, pogojevanje Evropske unije, pristopni proces k Evropski uniji, države Zahodnega Balkana, vladavina prava, pravne reforme, korupcija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Ristova]
Number of pages:86 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144294 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:142405379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges to the rule of law in the European Union accession process of Western Balkan countries
This Master’s Thesis investigates the effects of Europeanization on the rule of law in the European Union (EU) accession process of the Western Balkan countries. In the transition process of these states according to the EU membership conditions, EU conditionality is used as the main mechanism to implement the legal reforms. Opposite to the widespread position of Europeanization scholars that the EU transforms states and that EU conditionality has transformative power, this Master’s Thesis argues that the EU conditionality under certain unfavorable domestic conditions (factors) present in the Western Balkan states, such as the historical legacies of the post-Yugoslav armed conflicts and the failure of political elites to commit to the implementation of rule of law standards, has the opposite effect. Ultimately, instead of transformative power, the EU accession process has a pathological (negative) effect over implementing justice reform in Western Balkans countries. EU conditionality with the conducted justice reform contributes to entrenching of the existing detrimental model of governance, so as a consequence the substantive legality and judicial impartiality as elements of rule of law are not established but are weakened. The rule of law reforms thus often produce weak legal approximation to EU standards, politicization and instrumentalization of laws that directly leads to the violation of the principles of justice and fairness before the law, including judicial corruption and dependence on government structures in all analyzed states.

Keywords:Europeanization, EU conditionality, Western Balkan countries, rule of law, justice reforms, grand corruption

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