
Snovalsko razmišljanje pri vzgojiteljih in strokovnih delavcih v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Zotler, Polona (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kurent, Brina (Comentor)

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Snovalsko razmišljanje je proces, preko katerega rešujemo problem, pri tem pa ne smemo pozabiti na upoštevanje uporabnikovih želja ob iskanju rešitve. Snovalsko razmišljanje se uporablja na več področjih, kot so podjetništvo, industrija, komerciala ter izobraževanje, prav tako pa metode snovalskega razmišljanja uporabljamo tudi v vrtcu. V predšolskem obdobju lahko govorimo bolj o razvijanju ustvarjalnosti med samim procesom ustvarjanja kot o končnem produktu. Snovalec mora biti empatičen, optimističen, znati mora sodelovati v timu, sprejemati mnenja drugih in biti mora eksperimentalen. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati snovalsko razmišljanje vzgojiteljic in strokovnih delavk v vrtcu ter pomembnost posameznih konstruktov snovanja pri izvedbi. Z raziskavo smo želeli vzgojiteljice in strokovne delavke seznaniti s pomembnostjo vključevanja snovalskega razmišljanja v njihove dejavnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo dali poudarek pojasnjevanju pojma snovalsko razmišljanje in ga opredelili. Poudarili smo značilnosti dobrega snovalca ter razložili, kako se te kažejo pri snovanju. Prikazali smo povezavo snovalskega razmišljanja s Kurikulumom za vrtce in izpostavili nekaj dejavnosti, ki jih Kurikulum za vrtce opredeljuje in se navezujejo na proces snovalskega razmišljanja. S primerom dobre prakse smo opredelili snovalsko razmišljanje na praktičnem primeru. Analizirali smo raziskavo, ki jo je Avsec (2023) validiral in določil 14 konstruktov snovanja. V empiričnem delu smo analizirali podatke, ki smo jih pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom. Uporabljen je kvantitativni pristop empiričnega raziskovanja. V raziskavi so sodelovale vzgojiteljice in strokovne delavke v vrtcu. Uporabili smo vprašalnik o snovalskem razmišljanju, ki ga je zasnoval Dosi idr. (2018), v nedavni raziskavi pa ga je validiral Avsec (2023). Ugotovili smo, da vzgojiteljice pripisujejo večjo pomembnost uporabi faz snovanja, kot pa jih dejansko uporabljajo pri izvajanju dejavnosti. Največjo pomembnost pripisujejo fazi empatije, najmanj pomembno pa se jim zdi vključevanje prototipiranja med svoje dejavnosti. Z diplomskim delom smo želeli doseči, da bi vzgojiteljice s pomočjo upoštevanja faz snovalskega razmišljanja dobile navdih pri ustvarjanju dejavnosti ter da bi svojo učno dejavnost izboljševale z vključevanjem teh faz.

Keywords:snovalsko razmišljanje, snovanje v predšolskem obdobju, značilnosti dobrega snovalca, merjenje snovalskega razmišljanja med vzgojiteljicami in strokovnimi delavkami, pomembnost in izvedba snovanja v vrtcu.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Zotler
Number of pages:X, 44 str., III str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144290 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:141500675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design Thinking in Preschool Teachers and Preschool Practitioners
Design thinking is a process through which we solve a problem, not forgetting to consider the user's wishes when looking for a solution. Design thinking is used in several fields such as entrepreneurship, industry, commerce, and education. Design thinking methods can also be used in kindergarten. In preschool, we can discuss the development of creativity during the creation process itself more than the final product. A designer must be empathetic, optimistic, able to work in a team, accept the opinions of others, and be experimental. The main purpose of the thesis was to investigate the design thinking of kindergarten teachers and preschool practitioners, as well as the importance of individual creative constructs in implementation. With the research, we wanted to familiarize kindergarten teachers and preschool practitioners with the importance of including creative thinking in their activities. In the theoretical part, we emphasized the explanation of the design thinking concept and defined it. We emphasized the characteristics of a good designer and how these are manifested in the designing process. We showed the connection of design thinking with the Kindergarten Curriculum and highlighted some activities that the Kindergarten Curriculum defines and are related to the process of design thinking. With the example of good practice, we defined design thinking on a practical example. We analyzed the research that Avsec (2023) validated and determined 14 constructs of design thinking. In the empirical part, we analyzed the data obtained with a survey questionnaire, using the quantitative approach of empirical research. Kindergarten teachers and preschool practitioners participated in the research. We used a design thinking questionnaire designed by Dosi and validated in a recent study by Avsec (2023). We found that kindergarten teachers and preschool practitioners attach more importance to the use of planning phases than actually using them in the implementation of their activities. They attribute the greatest importance to the empathy phase, while the inclusion of prototyping in their activities is the least important to them. With this Bachelor’s thesis, I wanted to achieve that, by taking into account the phases of design thinking, kindergarten teachers would get inspired when creating activities, and that they would improve their teaching activity by including these phases

Keywords:design thinking, design thinking in preschool, characteristics of a good design thinker, measuring design thinking among kindergarten teachers, the importance and implementation of design thinking in kindergarten.

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