
Duševno zdravje izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v nujni medicinski pomoči : magistrsko delo
ID Ejub, Kemal (Author), ID Kavčič, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kvas, Andreja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Duševno zdravje predstavlja bistveno komponento celostnega zdravja, ki omogoča posamezniku ustvarjati uravnotežene odnose ter konstruktivno prispevati k oblikovanju zdravega okolja. Izvajalci zdravstvene nege v nujni medicinski pomoči doživljajo različne duševne in fizične obremenitve. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je bil preučiti vlogo različnih dejavnikov (demografske značilnosti in značilnosti delovnega mesta) v pozitivnem duševnem zdravju (čustvenem, psihološkem in socialnem blagostanju), stresu ter izgorelosti med izvajalci zdravstvene nege v nujni medicinski pomoči. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Drugi del magistrskega dela je bil empiričen in je vključeval anketo, ki jo je izpolnilo 234 izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v nujni medicinski pomoči. Udeleženci so poročali o svojih demografskih značilnostih in značilnostih svojega delovnega mesta; o profesionalni izpolnitvi, subjektivnem blagostanju in doživljanju stresa. Poleg tega so poročali o premišljevanju o opustitvi in nameri opustitve trenutnega delovnega mesta. Rezultati: Analiza je pokazala pomen spola, delovnega mesta in delovne dobe za posamezne vidike duševnega zdravja izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v nujni medicinski pomoči. Višja raven izgorelosti in nižja raven profesionalne izpolnitve je bila značilna za ženske v primerjavi z moškimi ter za zaposlene v urgentnih centrih v primerjavi z zaposlenimi v reševalni službi. Višja raven stresa je bila značilna za zaposlene v urgentnih centrih v primerjavi z zaposlenimi v reševalni službi, raven stresa pa je upadala z naraščanjem starosti in delovne dobe udeležencev. Višja raven subjektivnega blagostanja je bila značilna za moške v primerjavi z ženskami, glede na delovno mesto pa je bila višja raven značilna za reševalno službo v primerjavi z urgentnim centrom. Z manj ugodnim samoocenjenim duševnim zdravjem je naraščala pogostost premišljevanja o opustitvi službe. Razprava in zaključek: Med izvajalci v nujni medicinski pomoči je tveganje za neugodno duševno zdravje v splošnem večje pri ženskah kot moških ter pri zaposlenih v urgentnih centrih v primerjavi s tistimi v reševalni službi. Pridobljeni rezultati v magistrskem delu nakazujejo, da je v prihodnje nujno razmišljati o uvedbi strategij, ki vplivajo na izboljšanje duševnega zdravja izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v nujni medicinski pomoči, posledično pa tudi na ohranjanje zaposlenih v teh službah

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, izgorelost, stres, subjektivno blagostanje, reševalci, opustitev službe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Ejub]
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-144288 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:141649155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.02.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Mental health of care providers in emergency care : master thesis
Introduction: Mental health is an essential component of holistic health, which enables an individual to create balanced relationships and contribute constructively to the creation of a healthy environment. Emergency nursing staff experience various mental and physical strains. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to establish factors of various factors (demographic and workplace characteristics) in positive mental health (emotional, psychological, and social well-being), stress, and burnout among emergency nursing staff. Methods: A descriptive method has been used in the theoretical part of this thesis. The second part of the master's thesis was empirical and included a survey, which was completed by 234 emergency nurses. The participants reported their demographic characteristics and characteristics of their workplace; assessed their professional fulfillment, subjective well-being, and perceived stress. In addition, they reported on their thinking about leaving, and intending to leave their current job. Results: The analyses showed the importance of gender, workplace, and length of service for individual aspects of emergency nurses’ mental health. A higher level of burnout and a lower level of professional fulfillment were characteristic for female compared to male nurses and for emergency centre nurses compared to ambulance service nurses. A higher level of stress was characteristic for employees in emergency centres compared to employees of the ambulance service, and the level of stress decreased with increasing age and length of service of the participants. A higher level of subjective well-being was revealed for male than female nurses, and for ambulance service employees compared to an emergency centre employees. With diminishing self-rated mental health, the frequency of thinking about leaving the job increased. Discussion and conclusion: Among emergency nursing staff, the risk of adverse mental health is generally higher in female than male employees, and in emergency centre workers compared to those in the ambulance service. The results obtained in the master's thesis suggest that in the future it is necessary to think about the introduction of strategies contributing to the improvement of the mental health of emergency nursing care providers, and consequently the retention of employees in this service.

Keywords:master's theses, nursing care, burnout, stress, subjective well-being, emergency nursing staff, intention to leave job

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