The master thesis discusses satisfaction with the CONOR.SI authority file from cataloguers’ point of view in academic libraries and rule development for access points for corporate bodies. The purpose was to find out how useful do academic cataloguers find CONOR.SI, which are its advantages and shortcomings and how does the process of creating new authority records for corporate bodies look like. We also wanted to find out how the rules for access points for corporate bodies developed from first Slovenian cataloguing code until today. We conducted a survey, interview and content analysis. The rules for access points for corporate bodies changed a lot through time, which is understandable, giving the changes in the way we work and the environment we work in. We found out that cataloguers are satisfied with CONOR.SI and they find it useful. One of its advantages is the inclusion of important data about the authors which helps with their identification. Most frequently pointed out problem with CONOR.SI is a great amount of duplicates and inexact records, which are the result of cataloguers’ superficiality and too complex cataloguing rules. Dissatisfaction with current cataloguing rules is also noticeable in the process of creating new authority records for corporate bodies, as cataloguers’ rather than using cataloguing rules, prefer to go online or find the answers they need in their own notes from different courses.